Outputs & Recommendations

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RDA Outputs are the technical and social infrastructure solutions developed by RDA Working Groups or Interest Groups that enable data sharing, exchange, and interoperability.  

These Outputs have an important impact in two areas: solving problems, and incorporation and/or adoption in infrastructure environments by individuals, projects and organisations. As an organisation, RDA's goal is to expand awareness and adoption of these Outputs, and hence their impact, within all regions of the world. RDA Outputs are products of the respective Working or Interest Group and should be demonstrably developed and endorsed by the group. Each Output should have the respective Working or Interest Group listed as an author where appropriate.


RDA Outputs are classified as RDA Recommendations (official, endorsed results of RDA Groups), Supporting Outputs (useful solutions from our RDA Working and Interest Groups) or other Outputs - more information can be found at https://www.rd-alliance.org/recommendations-outputs. They are all listed below and can be searched according to their focus, scientific domain, or by status using the filters on the right. Filters can be combined, too (if more than one filter is selected, results sum up).






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Number of results: 78

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

Data Description Registry Interoperability Model

Data Description Registry Interoperability WG is working on a series of bi-lateral information...
RDA Endorsed Recommendations

10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research

"10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research," describes the key issues of curating...

RDA Supporting Outputs

23 Things Physical Samples

RDA Supporting Outputs

23 Things: Libraries for Research Data (Supporting Output)

23 Things: Libraries for Research Data provides an overview of practical, free, online resources...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

39 Hints to Facilitate the Use of Semantics for Data on Agriculture and Nutrition

This document presents the recommendations of the RDA Agrisemantics Working Group (WG) to...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

A curriculum for foundational Research Data Science skills for Early Career Researchers

This recommendation describes the curriculum and example materials to give Early Career...

RDA Supporting Outputs

A survey of current practices in data search services

Relevancy ranking is an important component of making a data repository's search system...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Addressing the Gaps: Recommendations for Supporting the Long Tail of Research Data

The “Long Tail of Research Data Interest Group” has been assessing the situation of long tail...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

An open, universal literature-data cross-linking service - RDA/WDS Publishing Data Services WG Recommendations

The ICSU-WDS & RDA Publishing Data Services group proposes an approach to sharing...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

Basic Vocabulary of Foundational Terminology Query Tool - Data Foundation and Terminology (DFT) WG Recommendations

Based on 21 data models presented by experts coming from different disciplines and 120...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Challenges of Curating for Reproducible and FAIR Research Output

Computational reproducibility is the ability to repeat the analysis and arrive at the same...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

CODATA/RDA Summer School in Data Science and Cloud Computing in the Developing World WG Recommendations

The CODATA/RDA Summer School in Data Science and Cloud Computing in the Developing World WG...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Compilation of Data Versioning Use cases from the RDA Data Versioning Working Group

Data versioning is a fundamental element to ensuring the reproducibility of research. Work in...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Core Characteristics of Learning Resource Collectors


As part of the Education And Training On Handling Of Research Data IG (ETHRD-IG)...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

Data Type Model and Registry - Data Type Registries (DTR) WG Recommendations

ICT Tech specification: TS3 Data Type Registries Model

Often researchers receive a file from colleagues, follow a link, or otherwise encounter data...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Developing a Research Data Policy Framework for All Journals and Publishers

Defines and describes 14 features of journal research data policies and arranges these into a...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Engaging Researchers with Data Management: The Cookbook

Engaging Researchers with Data Management is an invaluable collection of 24 case studies, drawn...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

FAIR Data Maturity Model: specification and guidelines

This document describes a maturity model for FAIR assessment with assessment indicators,...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Federated Identity Management for Research Collaborations

This white-paper expresses common requirements of Research Communities seeking to leverage...

RDA Supporting Outputs

GORC IG: Typology and Definitions

The Global Open Research Commons is an Interest Group within the Research Data Alliance. The IG...

RDA Supporting Outputs

GORC IG: Typology and Definitions Diagram

The Global Open Research Commons is an Interest Group within the Research Data Alliance. The IG...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

Guidelines for publishing structured metadata on the Web

The FAIR principles refer frequently to metadata as a key enabler in discoverability, but also...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Income Streams for Data Repositories

Basic funding of data infrastructure may not keep pace with increasing costs. There is a need,...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Matrix of use cases and functional requirements for research data repository platforms

The matrix describes the functional requirements identified for research data repository...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Member survey on bridging the gap between funders and communities – perspectives on benefits and challenges of FAIR assessments V2.0

This report provides a consolidated view of the answers collected during a survey conducted in...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

Metadata Standards Directory Working Group Recommendations

The Metadata Standards Directory Working Group set out to develop a directory that would enable...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Persistent identifiers: Consolidated assertions

Experts from 47 European research infrastructure initiatives and ERICs have agreed on a set of...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

PID Information Types (PIT) WG Recommendations

The working group on Persistent Identifier Information Types of the Research Data Alliance...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Principles and best practices in data versioning for all data sets big and small

The demand for better reproducibility of research results is growing. More and more data is...

RDA Supporting Outputs

RDA & CODATA Legal Interoperability Of Research Data: Principles And Implementation Guidelines

The CODATA-RDA Legal Interoperability Interest Group has stu-died the issues related to the...

Recommendations with RDA Endorsement in Process

RDA Common Descriptive Attributes of Research Data Repositories

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

RDA Data Usage Metrics WG Recommendations

This document outlines next steps and recommendations for widespread adoption of normalized data...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

RDA DMP Common Standard for Machine-actionable Data Management Plans

The DMP Common Standards WG has developed an application profile that allows to express...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

RDA National PID Strategies Guide and Checklist

The RDA National PID Strategies WG has produced a comparison guide and checklist that can be...

RDA Supporting Outputs

RDA Professionalising Data Stewardship - Current Models of Data Stewardship: Survey Report

This report presents the first analysis of the Models of Data Stewardship survey completed by...

RDA Supporting Outputs

RDA Professionalising Data Stewardship - Models of Data Stewardship Survey Output Data

This dataset contains responses collected in the Models of Data Stewardship survey completed by...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

RDA/TDWG Attribution Metadata Working Group: Final Recommendations

Research collections are an important tool for understanding the Earth, its systems, and human...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

RDA/WDS Publishing Data Workflows WG Recommendations

Workflows that enable persistence, quality control and access are all crucial to enhance the...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

Recommendation on PID Kernel Information

Global middleware infrastructure is insufficient for robust data identification, discovery, and...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Recommendations for a minimal metadata set to aid harmonised discovery of learning resources


As part of the Education And Training On Handling Of Research Data IG activities, the...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Research Data Repository Interoperability Primer

This is the first deliverable of the RDRIWG, the Research Data Repository Interoperability...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

Research Data Repository Interoperability WG Final Recommendations

The goal of the RDA Research Data Repository Interoperability WG (RDRIWG) was to achieve...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Research Hardware Definition

FAIR Principles for Research Hardware IG

RDA Supporting Outputs

Results of an Analysis of Existing FAIR Assessment Tools

This document is a first output of the FAIR Data Maturity Model WG. This resulted in five slide...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

Scalable Dynamic Data Citation Methodology

The aim of the Dynamic Data Citation Working Group was to devise a simple, scalable mechanism...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

Scholix Metadata Schema for Exchange of Scholarly Communication Links

The Scholix framework together with the DLI aggregation are designed to enable other 3rd party...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Sharing COVID-19 Epidemiology Data

An immediate understanding of the COVID-19 disease epidemiology is crucial to slowing infections...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Summary of Virtual Layer Recommendations

This output describes a concept for establishing a comprehensive network of components for the...

Recommendations with RDA Endorsement in Process

Sustainable Business Models for Brokering Middleware to support Research Interoperability

The Brokering Governance Recommendation discusses the strengths and weakness of different...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

The FAIRsharing Registry and Recommendations: Interlinking Standards, Databases and Data Policies

This document describes the outputs of a joint RDA-Force11 FAIRsharing WG: the FAIRsharing...

RDA Supporting Outputs

Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Things

The Top 10 FAIR Data & Software Things are brief guides (stand alone, self paced training...

RDA Supporting Outputs

WDS/RDA Assessment of Data Fitness for Use WG Outputs and Recommendations

This statement describes the background, efforts and outputs of the WDS/RDA Assessment of Data...

RDA Endorsed Recommendations

Wheat Data Interoperability Recommendations

These recommendations have been prepared by members of the Wheat Data Interoperability Working...