RDA is a partner of the European EOSC Future project that is developing a trusted platform for open science and FAIR data, resources and services in all scientific disciplines. The project's ambition can be summarised as extending the "baseline European Open Science Cloud" and turning it into a platform with a durable set of user-friendly components "designed for the long haul". Most of the key results of the project - KERs - are aligned with core issues of interest to the RDA community: interoperability, community-building and cross-/interdisciplinary research. This alignment is presented in more detail on the page "The Value of the Research Data Alliance to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC)".
To tie this ambitious agenda with the RDA's global community of FAIR data experts, the EOSC Future project has provided focused support for strengthening links between EOSC and RDA communities. Through the 12 open calls, it has been possible to create almost 40 targeted actions involving 16 research disciplines from 22 countries. To see the highlights of the results, please refer to the pages presenting:
You can also find more information related to the open call mechanism on the EOSC Future funding platform, including:
- RDA calls
- Grantees from the Calls
- Basis for the independent review of the open call proposals (external evaluator call)
RDA/EOSC Future Open Calls Impact
The EOSC Future project is co-funded by the European Union Horizon Programme call INFRAEOSC-03-2020 - Grant Agreement Number 101017536