RDA Groups

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RDA directly and logically tackles numerous data infrastructure challenges through the work of its Working Groups, Interest Groups and Communities of Practice.

What's the difference?

Working Groups (WG)

WGs are short-term (18 months) and come together to develop and implement data infrastructure, which could be tools, policy, practices and products that are adopted and used by projects, organizations, and communities. Embedded within these groups are individuals who will use the infrastructure and help in making it broadly available to the public. Any RDA member can join or initiate a WG. 

Learn more about  Joining or Initiating a Working Group >>

View the current listing of Working Groups>> 

Interest Groups (IG)

IGs are open-ended in terms of longevity.  They focus on solving a specific data sharing problem and identifying what kind of infrastructure needs to be built.  These groups identify specific pieces of work and can start up a WG to tackle those projects. Any RDA member can join or initiate an IG.

Learn more about  Joining or Initiating an Interest Group >>

View the current listing of Interest Groups >>

Communities of Practice (CoP)

CoPs investigate, discuss and provide knowledge and skills within a specific discipline and/or research domain. These groups are committed to directly or indirectly enabling data sharing, exchange and/or interoperability by serving as THE coordination focal point for RDA in specific disciplines/research domains. 

Learn more about Joining  or Initiating a CoP >>


WG Working Groups - IG Interest Groups - CoP Communities of Practice

13 Feb 2024

Community-based catalogue of requirements for trustworthy Technical Repository Service Providers Working Group (TRSPs WG)

Pending submission

The Community-based catalogue of requirements for trustworthy Technical Repository Service Providers Working Group (TRSPs WG) will address a significant need in the community of data repositories and associated services worldwide: how to extend the umbrella of trust, as exemplified by formal certification authorities such as ISO and CoreTrustSeal, to a wider group. The working group will focus on three aspects of extension:

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01 Mar 2016

Agrisemantics WG

Recognised & Endorsed

The group started in Jan 2017 and should close shortly. 

The goal of the Agrisemantics WG is to gather community-based requirements and use cases for an infrastructure that supports appropriate use of semantics for data interoperability, with special focus on agriculture.

The outputs of the WG will be:

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06 Jul 2022

Artificial Intelligence and Data Visitation (AIDV) WG

Recognised & Endorsed

Mission The mission of the AIDV-WG is to contribute to building the ethical, legal, social, and technical frameworks and bridges enabling the open sharing and re-use of data in the framework of Open Science.


Vision The vision of the AIDV-WG is to bring together expertise across disciplines and regions to ensure ameliorate the use of AI and DV in research and innovation across technologies and sectors to address the grand challenges of society.


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08 Feb 2024

Building Immune Digital Twins WG

Pending submission

Digital twins, customized simulation models pioneered in industry, are beginning to gain ground in medicine and healthcare, with some major successes in cardiovascular diagnostics and insulin pump control. Personalized computational models are also assisting in applications ranging from drug development to patient-tailored treatment optimization. Advanced medical digital twins will be essential to making personalized medicine a reality.

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03 Jan 2018

Capacity Development for Agriculture Data WG

Recognised & Endorsed

The aim of this Working Group (WG) is to develop synergies between existing education and training activities and agricultural science needs by performing a landscape assessment to identify existing gaps and training requirements within the Interest Group on Agricultural Data (IGAD) WGs related. A particular focus will be on sharing knowledge about training initiatives and technologies, reducing digital divides so that researchers and practitioners in developing countries can also benefit.

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21 May 2014

CoreTrustSeal Maintenance WG

Recognised & Endorsed

The CoreTrustSeal Maintenance Group is the successor to and maintains the outputs of the Repository Audit and Certification DSA–WDS Partnership WG that resulted in the 16 CoreTrustSeal Requirements. The CoreTrustSeal Maintenance Group seeks and encourages the widest possible input into the process of maintaining and revising the requirements, which takes place every three years. The goal of the CoreTrustSeal is to maintain alignment with current practices while offering a low-barrier-to-entry ‘core’ level of certification that is broadly applicable to repositories that offer active preservation and meet the agreed criteria with their organisation infrastructure, digital object management, technology and security practices. 


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24 May 2013

Data Citation WG


The RDA Working Group on Data Citation (WG-DC)  brings together experts addressing the issues, requirements, advantages and shortcomings of existing approaches for efficiently identifying and citing arbitrary subsets of (potentially highly dynamic) data. It's recommendations are based upon on (1) timestamping and versioning changes to evolving data and (2) identifying arbitrary subsets by assigning PIDs to the queries selecting the according subsets and are applicable across all types of data, such as e.g. collections of files, relational databases, multidimensional data cubes or regions in images.

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20 Oct 2020

Data Granularity WG

Recognised & Endorsed

Welcome to the RDA Data Granularity Working Group



The efficient and effective reuse of data requires that users, be they humans or machines, be able to find and access data at fine levels of granularity.  The WG will explore key questions and collect and share valuable information for how to best support data granularity, providing guidance to help data professionals to determine the best level of granularity for user discovery, access, interoperability and citability. 


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03 Dec 2021

Data Repository Attributes WG

The Data Repository Attributes Working Group seeks to produce a list of common attributes that describe a research data repository and to provide examples of the current approaches that different data repositories are taking to express and expose these attributes. The working group will produce two documentary outputs over the course of 18 months and four Research Data Alliance (RDA) plenary meetings; they are: 

1) a list of common descriptive attributes of a data repository with 

     a) a definition of each attribute, 

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19 Oct 2020

Discipline-specific Guidance for Data Management Plans WG

Many research funding agencies expect DMPs which receive valuable metadata about the project as well as collected and analyzed data. In order to use DMPs profitably for researchers in their everyday life and not to create another bureaucratic hurdle, adjustments are needed on the side of the tool providers as well as in the templates.

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04 Jul 2017

DMP Common Standards WG

Recognised & Endorsed

This group produced a recommendation on machine-actionable DMPs. 

To get more information on the activites:

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact group chairs. We are always happy to help!

WG Charter

The specific focus of this working group is on developing common data model and specifying access mechanisms that make Data Management Plans (DMPs) machine-actionable

To achieve this vision we will develop a common data model with a core set of elements. Its modular design will allow customisations and extensions using existing standards and vocabularies to follow best practices developed in various research communities. We will provide reference implementations of the data model using popular formats, such as JSON, XML, RDF, etc.  This will enable tools and systems involved in processing research data to read and write information to/from DMPs.


The outputs of this working group will help in making systems interoperable and will allow for automatic exchange, integration, and validation of information provided in DMPs, for example, by checking whether a provided PID links to an existing dataset, if hashes of files match to their provenance traces, or whether a license was specified. The common information models are NOT intended to be prescriptive templates or questionnaires, but to provide re-usable ways of representing machine-actionable information on themes covered by DMPs

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28 Apr 2020

FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) WG


May 24th, 2022. The RDA Council have endorsed the FAIR4RS Principles as an official output!

Citation and download: Chue Hong, N. P., Katz, D. S., Barker, M., Lamprecht, A-L, Martinez, C., Psomopoulos, F. E., Harrow, J., Castro, L. J., Gruenpeter, M., Martinez, P. A., Honeyman, T., et al. (2022). FAIR Principles for Research Software version 1.0. (FAIR4RS Principles v1.0). Research Data Alliance. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15497/RDA00068

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17 Oct 2023

Harmonised terminologies and schemas for FAIR data in materials science and related domains WG

Recognised & Endorsed

The focus of the WG is on increasing uptake of the FAIR Principles in materials research (in particular in connection with Interoperability and Reusability), supported by improved resources, in particular widely-agreed and FAIR terminologies, metadata and ontologies. While the main focus of the WG is in the material sciences, close interactions with cognate domains, in particular chemistry, are crucial in order to avoid conflicting approaches and also to utilise and integrate with already existing semantic artefacts and resources in these fields.

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13 Apr 2015

Metadata Standards Catalog WG


The Metadata Standards Catalog (MSC) Working Group will produce a machine-actionable catalog of metadata standards submitted by all RDA WGs. The catalog system will have an end-user input form and an API for submission from other software. Similarly it will have a user interface for query/reporting and an API for software to query and retrieve suitable standards information. The MSC is a fundamental tool in any autonomic e-research fabric. This work builds on the outputs of the Metadata Standards Directory Working Group: both the Metadata Standards Directory (MSD) itself and the set of attendant use cases.

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27 Jun 2022

Neuroimaging Data WG

Recognised & Endorsed
Chair (s): 

The Neuroimaging Data WG fulfils the RDA’s mission to build the social and technical bridges that enable open sharing and re-use of data in the domain of neuroimaging. The WG envisions a neuroimaging research landscape in which knowledge is generated in a reproducible fashion (in terms of data, analysis and computation) and coupled with the ability to reuse and extend these studies by others in the community.

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26 Oct 2023

Publisher Guidance for Availability Statements in Scholarly Publications WG

Pending submission

The RDA Scholarly Publishing community is interested in developing guidelines for Availability Statements for digital objects, specifically data. In short, Availability Statements in scholarly publications could be more structured and FAIR. Through this work we will review the status of current guidance, what authors are providing, and the gap with desired outcomes. The desired outcome is a recommendation on guidelines for  journals, authors, publishing staff, editors, peer-reviewers, standards, and machine readable infrastructure.

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01 Jun 2020

Raising FAIRness in health data and health research performing organisations (HRPOs) WG

Recognised & Endorsed

Adoption and application of the FAIR principles to research data has grown significantly in the few years that they have existed. They have been embraced in many quarters and have paved the way to creating a level playing field for data reuse. Nevertheless, they also pose challenges in some areas of research where reuse may not be an automatic right due to issues of confidentiality, privacy, commercial interests and sensitivities in general.

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20 Mar 2020



I.  RDA COVID-19 Working Group Objectives

II.  Group & Website Navigation

III.  Weekly Webinar RDA COVID-19 Updates - Completed


I.  RDA COVID-19 Working Group Objectives

The overarching objectives of this Working Group (WG) are:

  1.  To clearly define detailed guidelines on data sharing under the present COVID-19 circumstances to help stakeholders follow best practices to maximize the efficiency of their work,

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04 Oct 2023

RDA-OfR Creating a Multi-omics Metadata Schema Standard Reporting Matrix WG

Recognised & Endorsed

RDA-OfR Creating a Multi-omics Metadata Schema Standard Reporting Matrix WG

Note: The WG is actively seeking co-chairs and members from different countries and continents who cover various Omics domains, including expertise in mass spectrometry and sequencing. A dedicated communications campaign via the RDA’s communications and social media channels will take place to recruit co-chairs and members from geographically diverse regions.


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