CCCA Dynamic Data Citation, an Extension on Earth Observation Data

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16 October 2020 2009 reads

 With the support of an RDA Europe 4.0 grant, the project team, led by Chris Schubert, has implemented the Scalable Dynamic-data Citation Methodology in order to extend the CCCA’s services to a further research domain, namely the Earth Observation Sciences.


The technical challenges that we needed to solve involved the differing technological stacks and concepts used by CCCA and the Earth Observation Data Centre (EODC), as well as the challenge of combining climate data and earth observation data.

The RDA outputs adopted: 

The Recommendations of the RDA Working Group on Data Citation: Data Citation of Evolving Data (Rauber et al. 2015) were adopted by the CCCA.

The impact of the adoption: 

As CCCA data centre, initiated for a small community like the climate scientists in Austria, the end users did not initially recognise the value of citing data. Two years after the release of this dynamic data citation service, the need changed into acknowledgement and acceptance. Nevertheless, there is still some work to be done to ensure that data providers internalise the dynamics of research data and their publication. 

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