Communication Kit

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Acknowledgement of publications

Please help us track RDA-related papers and get a better understanding of RDA WG/IG impact by adding the following text you your RDA-related publications:

This work was developed as part of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) ‘WG/IG’ entitled ‘long name (short name)’, and we acknowledge the support provided by the RDA community and structures"

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RDA Europe 4.0 collection on Zenodo

This collection includes documents that are related to RDA Europe 4.0 activities. Examples could include deliverables and reports and other documents from RDA Europe 4.0 related activities. Official RDA documents can be found in the Research Data Alliance collection on Zenodo.

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RDA Endorsement and Logo Usage Guidelines

The RDA Logo (and other stuff TBD) are registered trademarks of the Research Data Alliance Foundation. To ensure consistent adherence to RDA Principles, permission is generally required to use the RDA Logo and branding. Permission is granted by the Secretary General (or designee) in consultation with the Council co-chairs. Typically, logo use is granted along with endorsement of a product or activity (see below). Requests to use the logo should be sent to enquiries[at]


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Adoption Stories - the package

The Research Data Alliance (RDA) currently hosts over 60 Interest Groups and more than 30 Working Groups consisting of experts who are working on various topics related to (open) research data and innovation. These working groups produce the RDA outputs: the technical and social infrastructure solutions enabling data sharing, exchange, and interoperability.

For you, to see how to implement the RDA outputs to improve the sharing, exchange and interoperability of your own data, we’ve asked RDA members who have already adopted RDA outputs, to share their experience and lessons learned in a story.

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