RDA Strategic Plan 2020 - 2023

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19 November 2020 32039 reads


The RDA is built on six foundational values of Openness, Consensus, Community Driven, Inclusivity, Harmonisation and not for profit and technology neutral. As part of these guiding principles, RDA values feedback and suggestions from the community on these strategic directions. 

This document is a final version of the RDA Strategic Plan 2020 – 2023. It has been designed, developed and drafted by the RDA Council since June 2020. The RDA Governance bodies (Technical Advisory Board, Organisational and Affiliate members) as well as the RDA Funders Forum have provided feedback and comments. This final version includes feedback received from the community during a public consultation period (Nov - Dec 2020).

The Research Data Alliance (RDA) presents its fourth strategic plan, providing direction and vision for the organisation, its stakeholders and community until 2023. Section 4 forms the core of this strategic plan. It outlines the strategic goals and priorities for this phase, organised in three macro areas: People, Processes, and Products. The strategic plan starts with an historic overview and revisits the goals and achievements of the previous strategic plan and outcomes. In section 2 the organisational identity, mission, vision and guiding principles are reiterated. Section 3 has a focus on the current internal and external developments that affect the organisation and need to be taken into account. The strategic plan is complemented by an internal implementation plan, containing concrete activities, a detailed planning timeline, and KPIs to monitor and measure the progress and success. This success depends on collaboration, cooperation and co-creation between the global community and the RDA governance and operational bodies.