RDA for you - search your groups

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The Research Data Alliance accomplishes its mission primarily through  Working Groups and Interest Groups.

In order to allow new members to understand what technical and social infrastructure solutions RDA groups are developing, and which scientific disciplines may benefit of RDA Group outcomes,  this filter has been created to allow you identify which RDA group(s) might be more useful for your research.

Groups can be selected according to their focus [1], that is: what problem they try to solve, and/or according to the scientific domains [2] in which their communities operate.

Select the desired fields from the boxes on the right and identify RDA groups for your: then you only need to join them!

NB: This page only shows the current RDA Working and Interest Groups that have been tagged with "Main focus" and "Domain / field of expertise". You can find a complete list of the current RDA Working and Interest Group here.






[1] Some other teams have undertaken similar activities, such as the view available at https://suave-dev.sdsc.edu/main/file=zaslavsk_RDA_Groups__June_2018.csv&views=1110001&view=bucket
[2] "Fields of R&D classification" as indicated in the Frascati Manual 2015: Guidelines for Collecting and Reporting Data on Research and Experimental Development, Published by the OECD

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