RDA Professionalising Data Stewardship - Models of Data Stewardship Survey Output Data

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RDA Professionalising Data Stewardship - Models of Data Stewardship Survey Output Data

By Bridget Walker

Professionalising Data Stewardship IG

Group co-chairs:  Peter NeishRomain DAVIDDebora DruckerChristina DrummondYan WangNiklas ZimmerGraham PartonJaana Pinnick

Supporting Output title: RDA Professionalising Data Stewardship - Models of Data Stewardship Survey Output Data

Authors:  Bill Ayres, Liise Lehtsalu, Iryna Kuchma, Graham Parton, Ádám Száldobágyi, Eleanor Warren, Angus Whyte, Niklas Zimmer

Impact: The ‘RDA Professionalising Data Stewardship – Models of Data Stewardship Survey Output Data’ output will be of value to stakeholders seeking to develop support services and competence centers serving research producers and users of FAIR data and Open Science. The data offer insights to current data stewardship service definition and provision across the globe, but in Europe in particular, and facilitate comparison and learning for individual data stewards as well as data stewardship service providers and coordinators at all levels, including institutions, national, regional, and domain-based services. Together with the publicly available “Models of Data Stewardship Initial Report” (presently under RDA community review), these data provide a useful evidence base to further aid the professionalisation and delivery of data stewardship across the research data management community.

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6665306

Citation: Ayres, Bill, Lehtsalu, Liise, Kuchma, Iryna, Parton, Graham, Száldobágyi, Ádám, Warren, Eleanor, Whyte, Angus, & Zimmer, Niklas. (2022). RDA Data Stewardship Organisational Models Survey 2021 Output Dataset [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6665306



This dataset contains responses collected in the Models of Data Stewardship survey - DOI10.15497/RDA00075 - completed by the Research Data Alliance Professionalising Data Stewardship Interest Group (RDA PDS-IG) in October-November 2021. The dataset consists of cleaned, anonymised responses from 136 respondents, though not all questions were answered by all respondents. The data are available in a CSV formatted file containing the full response set along with a PDF file containing the thematic textual analysis undertaken on responses to a number of open-text questions in the survey.


Output Status: 
RDA Supporting Outputs
Review period start: 
Wednesday, 12 October, 2022 to Saturday, 12 November, 2022
Group content visibility: 
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Primary WG Focus / Output focus: 
Domain Agnostic: 
Domain Agnostic