The Ethnic and Migrant Minorities' (EMMs') Survey Registry: A tool to help make EMM survey data FAIR

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30 September 2020 1583 reads

The Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud adopts the RDA Metadata Standards Directory Working Group recommendation

Ethnic and Migration Studies is a component of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) H2020 project. It is dedicated to improving the access, (re)use, and dissemination of quantitative survey data on ethnic and migrant minorities' (EMMs') integration. The work is led by Prof Laura Morales of Sciences Po and is supported by a small research team, comprised of 1 FTE with Ami Saji and short-term research assistants. Given the focus of the Ethnic and Migration Studies task, it works closely with the COST Action 16111 - Ethmigsurveydata, a research network launched in 2017 that brings together EMM-focused researchers from all sectors (academic, think tanks, government, civil society organizations, private companies), as well as the ANR flash-funded project, FAIRETHMIGQUANT.

When the SSHOC project concludes in 2022, it will have: 

  1. developed the EMM Survey Registry, a free online tool that will display survey-level metadata from over 800 existing quantitative surveys on EMMs' integration from 30+ countries (primarily in Europe),

  2. implemented a rigorous pilot to test the feasibility of setting up, as part of the CESSDA-led Euro Question Bank, a component dedicated to questionnaires from quantitative EMM surveys. 



The EMM Survey Registry has been designed to be a free online tool that will provide meaningful and detailed information about existing quantitative surveys on EMMs' integration through a user-friendly interface. Moreover, it has been conceptualized to conform with a metadata standard (i.e. DDI) that is widely used within the social sciences and survey research community. For these reasons, the EMM Survey Registry will not only offer improved access to and (re)use of quantitative survey data on EMMs' integration, but also provide a concrete and cogent example of how and why to make data from a multi-disciplinary field FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable).  Ami Saji (Ethnic and Migration Studies Researcher at SciencesPo )

The RDA outputs adopted: 

For our work, we consulted the recommendations developed by the Metadata Standards Directory Working Group. Below we have outlined the specific way in which we adopted this working groups recommendation:


The EMM Survey Registry (currently in beta version) brings together previously scattered information about quantitative EMM surveys to a single access point. In order to offer the compiled information in a coherent and systematic fashion, the EMM Survey Registry has developed a rich metadata schema (tested and reviewed rigorously by EMM-targeted researchers) that will be used to describe each of the identified surveys. Moreover, this metadata schema has been designed to be compatible with DDI Codebook, so that survey-level metadata can be harvested, re-used, interoperable, etc. This decision to adopt DDI for the EMM Survey Registry metadata schema stems from the Metadata Standards Directory Working Group Recommendation of using the established metadata standard for your respective discipline (in this case, DDI since we are working with survey data from the social sciences). 


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