RDA Domain Ambassadors

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23 May 2023 7789 reads

Agricultural sciences, Engineering, Earth Sciences or High energy physics are just some of the domains that have Ambassadors appointed under the umbrella of the EOSC Future project's RDA open call programme, running from 2021 to 2023. This network of Domain Ambassadors are experts in their disciplines, working hard to navigate daily research data challenges and carrying out valuable outreach to promote RDA outputs, and the offerings of EOSC.


No 'one size fits all' when it comes to solutions for data practices, and this rich and diverse network will work to reach out to peers in their field to gain a deeper understanding of what is required to push forward the agenda of Open Science and data management.

Funded by the EOSC Future project, this diverse programme serves to gain a deeper understanding of disciplinary community needs and will provide in turn the EOSC with a domain insights, in particular communities that might need more support to engage with open science practices and EOSC

Key outputs and events 

See also
The previous domain ambassador programme (from the RDA 4.0 project) and its ambassadors, EOSC Future open call projects, and the RDA value proposition to EOSC.

Below you can find introductions of the domain ambassadors with links to their homepages.


Meet the Ambassadors below and learn about their data activities in their field of expertise.

Helene N. Andreassen


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Helene N. Andreassen is a Senior Research Librarian and head of library teaching and learning support at UiT The Arctic University of Norway. She primarily works with education and research data management, and she combines these interests in various projects.

Anne Cambon-Thomsen

Human immunogenetics and health ethics

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Anne Cambon-Thomsen is a French medical doctor specialised in human immunogenetics and health ethics, now Emeritus Research Director at CNRS in an epidemiology and population health unit of Inserm and University of Toulouse and a societal platform “Ethics and biosciences”. She has a strong record of past activities in human immunogenetics research, ethics and scientific bodies, European and international projects and more recently in Open Science.

Marek Cebecauer

Materials Sciences and Engineering

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Marek Cebecauer works as the principal investigator at the Laboratory of Physical Membrane Biology in the Dept. Biophysical Chemistry; J. Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry (Prague, Czechia). The focus of the laboratory is materials science and engineering (MSE), and Marek is responsible for the implementation of FAIR data and Open Science principles in the institution as the founder and the chair of the RDM and Open Science team.  He is also the main coordinator of the WG for the MSE research data within the national EOSC CZ consortium in the Czech Republic. 


Francis P. Crawley

Ethics & Law

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Francis P. Crawley is a philosopher specialized in research ethics and methodology, integrity, and data/AI ethics & law. He is the Executive Director of the Good Clinical Practice Alliance – Europe (GCPA) and the Strategic Initiative for Developing Capacity in Ethical Review (SIDCER) located in Leuven, Belgium. He has been a member of the Research Data Alliance’s (RDA) Legal and Ethics Working Group and the Community Participation Working Group. He recently launched and chairs the Artificial Intelligence and Data Visitation Working Group (RDA AIDV-WG).

Sara El-Gebali

Life Science

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Sara El-Gebali is a Metadata expert, Research Data Manager & Community Builder currently working as the Metadata & Curation Project Lead at the SciLifeLab-DataCentre in Sweden. She is leading the implementation of multiple Open Source technical solutions (including samples handling systems & Trusted Research Environments) and outreach and training activities for Research Data Management that promote Open and FAIR practices.



Stephanie Jurburg

Microbial Ecology

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Stephanie Jurburg She studies how microbial communities respond to stress, and whether a better understanding of stressed microbiomes can improve the way we interact with bacteria. She also focuses on how better microbial data can improve how we study bacterial communities. She is originally from Uruguay, completed her B.A.

Allyson Lister

Standards, repositories and policies

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Allyson is the FAIRsharing Content & Community Lead at the Oxford e-Research Centre, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford. She is responsible for data curation and quality within FAIRsharing as well as for interactions and engagement with our community of users and stakeholders. She has a B.A. in Biology from Rice University, moving into data science via a Master's degree in Bioinformatics from the University of York and a PhD in Computer Science from Newcastle University, where she studied data integration in the context of semantics and ontologies.

Sofie Meeus


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Sofie Meeus is a researcher and data steward at the Biodiversity Informatics team at Meise Botanic Garden in Belgium where she works at the interface of biodiversity research and informatics. She completed her PhD in evolutionary biology and population genetics at KU Leuven in Belgium and worked as a postdoctoral researcher on plant speciation and hybridization at the University of Stirling in Scotland.

Pedro Mendes


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Pedro Mendes is an assistant professor at Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal). His research aims primarily at 1) understanding how catalysts work via mathematical models (catalysis informatics) an 2) designing sustainable processes by combining key knowledge at all scales (multi-scale modelling).


Geta Mitrea

Social sciences

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Geta Mitrea is currently a lecturer at University Stefan cel Mare of Suceava. She is also a member in the Expert Group on facilitating the use of new data sources for official statistics for the European Commission (Eurostat) and a monitoring expert for Scholarship Schemes for Universities for the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research (MENCS).

Laura Morales

Ethnic and migration studies in Europe

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Laura Morales is a Professor of Comparative Politics at Sciences Po, a research-led university specializing in the Social Sciences based in Paris. Her areas of expertise within political science are varied and in the fields of comparative politics, political behaviour, public opinion, migration politics and survey research.

Isabelle Perseil

Scientific computing for Life science

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With 35 years of experience in Computer Science, Dr. Ing. Isabelle Perseil is an expert in R&D in scientific computing (HPC, data management and research infrastructures) for the Life sciences, in one of the largest European life sciences research institutes, INSERM (the French NIH) where she has worked for 22 years. 

Jonas Koefoed Roemer

Arctic Data Community, Ecosystems and Climate Change

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Since 2013 I have worked for Aarhus University, Department of Ecoscience, as Data Manager and Analyst. The department has decades of experience monitoring arctic ecosystems, species and environmental impacts of human activities and climate change. I function as Data Manager in the long-term monitoring project: Greenland Ecosystem Monitoring – an inter-disciplinary and cross-institutional project involving partners from both Danish universities and Greenlandic institutions. 

Lina Sitz

Earth System Physics/Data management

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Lina Sitz is an external contractor for the Technical Support Unit of the Working Group I (WGI TSU) in the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change). IPCC is the leading international body for the assessment of climate change. It reviews and assesses the most recent scientific, technical and socio-economic information produced worldwide relevant to the understanding of climate change.