Announced during Plenary 21, the Targeted International Working GRoups - US Program, TIGRUS, is officially launched and underway at RDA-US.
NWO joins the Research Data Alliance
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has become a regional partner of the Research Data Alliance. The regional engagement partnership agreement was signed on the 1st of January 2024 by Hans de Jonge, the Director of Open Science NL at NWO and Hilary Hanahoe, the Secretary General of Research Data Alliance.
Come work with us - the RDA Europe is hiring!
RDA Europe is looking to hire four more members of staff to work on our project portfolio and support the growth of the organisation. We are seeking two communications professionals and two Research Data community experts to join us as soon as possible. The vacancies close at the end of January, so submit your application and come work for a growing international team supporting the Research Data Alliance community!
The following roles are currently open:
22nd Plenary Call for Sessions Open!
Once more, it’s that time! We are excited to announce the opening of the 22nd Virtual Plenary Call for Sessions (VP22).
The Research Data Alliance plenary meetings are biannual events bringing together members of the global data community to exchange ideas, gain knowledge and work together on pressing data and open science issues. The next plenary, themed ‘Local Action - Global Connection’, will bring together our rapidly expanding community to address the key issues and challenges facing the data community today.
RDA Technical Advisory Board Elections 2023 - Outcome
Following the call for nominations to join the RDA Technical Advisory Board, the RDA Secretariat received 10 nominations, all seconded by RDA community members. The elections were open to the RDA community from 21st November to 7th December 2023. After applying the balancing criteria, we can now, with great pleasure, announce that the new members of TAB, who will serve a 3-year term, are:
IDW 2023 including RDA P21 feedback analysis revealed!
You asked, we answered!
This detailed analysis has been drafted by the RDA Secretariat to capture all the feedback on IDW 2023 and RDA P21 held as a hybrid event on 23–26 October 2023 in Salzburg, Austria.
RDA’s 21st Plenary Session Recordings and Slides Available!
With forty-five RDA 21st Plenary meeting sessions held over four days as part of International Data Week 2023, we heard from a range of fantastic speakers on the huge amount of activity being done to address research and practice issues in the data sector.
TAB Elections Close on 7 Dec - Cast your Vote Soon!
There are 10 candidates and 7 seats open for election. View full details here.
RDA Selected for SCOSS Funding Cycle
The Research Data Alliance (RDA) is delighted to announce that it has been selected as an open infrastructure to be included in the SCOSS 5th funding cycle.