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Global Biodata Coalition Requests Feedback on White Papers focused on Open Data Strategies
27 Nov 2023

Global Biodata Coalition Requests Feedback on White Papers focused on Open Data Strategies

RDA invites its members to respond to provide two White Papers from the Global Biodata Coalition (GBC) looking at how research funders can explore partnerships to sustain the global biodata resource infrastructure.

The RDA is well-placed to contribute to this effort as an international community of experts who make open data a reality, and via its disciplinary-specific groups as well as infrastructural, DMP and FAIR implementation expertise. 

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RDA y CEDIA unen fuerzas para apoyar la gestión global de datos de investigación y la ciencia abierta
16 Nov 2023

RDA y CEDIA unen fuerzas para apoyar la gestión global de datos de investigación y la ciencia abierta

La Research Data Alliance (RDA) y la Corporación Ecuatoriana para el Desarrollo de la Investigación y la Academia (CEDIA) firmaron un convenio para formar una asociación regional, destinada a representar aún más las prácticas e intereses de la comunidad investigadora ecuatoriana y al mismo tiempo facilitar la Adopción regional de estándares y prácticas de RDA a través de la organización e implementación de diversas iniciativas y actividades.

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RDA and CEDIA join forces to support global research data management and open science
14 Nov 2023

RDA and CEDIA join forces to support global research data management and open science

The Research Data Alliance (RDA) and the Ecuadorian Corporation for the Development of Research and Academia (CEDIA) signed an agreement to form a regional association, intended to further represent the practices and interests of the Ecuadorian research community and at the same time facilitate the regional adoption of RDA standards and practices through the organization and implementation of various initiatives and activities.

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07 Nov 2023

It’s a Wrap! International Data Week and Plenary 21 Recap

Last month, RDA’s 21st Plenary was held as part of the International Data Week (IDW) festival in Salzburg, Austria.  With over 702 onsite attendees and 132 virtual attendees, discussions took place on topics addressing inclusivity in open science,  global challenges facing data science and policy and more.  With over 154 sessions delivered by both RDA and CODATA, as well as several networking events, th

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