RDA Technical Advisory Board Elections 2023 - Outcome
Following the call for nominations to join the RDA Technical Advisory Board, the RDA Secretariat received 10 nominations, all seconded by RDA community members. The elections were open to the RDA community from 21st November to 7th December 2023. After applying the balancing criteria, we can now, with great pleasure, announce that the new members of TAB, who will serve a 3-year term, are:
- Daniel Bangert, Africa & Europe, Humanities
- Louise Bezuidenhout, Africa & Europe, Social Sciences
- Anupama Gurujaj, The Americas, Medical and Health Sciences
- Victoria Smith, The Americas, Humanities
- Mingfang Wu*, Asia and Oceania, Engineering and Technology
The following will also join TAB for a 1-year term and are eligible to stand for a 2nd 3-year term in the next elections:
- Rossella Aversa*, Africa & Europe, Natural Sciences
- Laurel Haak, The Americas, Medical and Health Sciences
We would like to express our gratitude to the following three candidates, who were narrowly not elected to serve this year:
- Romain David, Europe & Africa, Medical and Health Sciences
- Anca Hienola, Europe & Africa, Natural Sciences
- Marek Cebecauer, Europe & Africa, Engineering and Technology
These three candidates are eligible to stand for the next elections and are also placed in a reserve pool of TAB members to be invited to join TAB if a seat should open during the coming year.
We look forward to working with the five new TAB members and the two re-elected TAB members, and sincerely hope that the three other candidates will stand for election next year and continue to actively support RDA as they have done so far.
Of course, with the addition of these new members, this means that two TAB members complete their terms. On behalf of the whole RDA community, we would like to take this opportunity to thank Karin Breitman and Gretchen Greene for their dedication, professionalism and expertise they have generously dedicated to the RDA in their role on TAB over the past 3 years. RDA is truly lucky to have such passionate volunteer members and, while we look forward to a new TAB composition, they will be missed.
*current TAB member re-elected for a second term