Stefan Sauermann

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Dr Stefan Sauermann

Member since: 04/03/2020 - 08:37
Professional title: 
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Interoperability, IT Standards
Other (professional title): 
Program Director
Organization name: 
University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
Organization type: 

Short Bio

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FH-Prof. DI Dr. Stefan Sauermann started as a researcher at the Medical University of Vienna, Austria, in biosignal analysis for electrostimulation in 1992. Since 1999 he is lecturer at the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien (UAS TW) and since 2011 Program Director of the Medical Engineering & eHealth Master degree study program. He is researcher in the Research Focus „Secure Services, eHealth & Mobility” at UAS TW. He contributes to national and international efforts towards eHealth and telemonitoring, with a focus on IT interoperability and standards. He is active in the “Austrian Standards Institute” committee „Medical Informatics", a mirror to ISO TC215 and CEN TC 251, in IEEE, HL7 and a founding member of IHE Austria. He is R&D Advisor to the Austrian Society for Telemedicine and eHealth ( ) and Co-Chair of the EU working group of the Personal Connected Health Alliance (

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