Meeting 2020-05-11 at 3:00pm UTC. Topic: Data elements

11 May 2020
Groups audience: 

Dear colleagues,
Please join us for our 13th meeting on Monday, May 11th at 3:00 PM UTC (Agenda).
Please note the differing times:
→ Mon, Fri 3:00 PM UTC
8:00 AM California, 11:00 AM New York, 5:00 PM France, 1:00 AM Melbourne
→ Wed (unchanged) 12:30 PM UTC
5:30 AM California, 8:30 AM New York, 2:30 PM France, 10:30 PM Melbourne (password: washyourhands).
We recommend installing the GoToMeeting app on your computer rather than connecting via a browser.
You may want to review the updated Readme first, and the Zotero Web Library ‘RDA-COVID19 WG’.
If you have not already done so, please:
→ Register your agreement/disagreement: Epidemiology data recommendations, 1st release
(7 minutes to complete), password: washyourhands
→ Complete the membership survey (5 minutes to complete), password: washyourhands
Looking forward to seeing you!
Claire Austin

  • Stefan Sauermann's picture

    Author: Stefan Sauermann

    Date: 11 May, 2020

    Dear Claire, Jay, all who stayed on until now,
    sorry for being late!
    I here with volunteer to start a table that starts to map the contents
    of the different available questionaires.
    I understood that the WHO Case Report Form is accepted as a kind of
    "reference" kandidate, to build on.
    I would terefore use the sections of the WHO form as titles
    "MODULE1: admission/enrolment"
    includes e.g.
    The first output will be an overview, of the content of the WHO sheet,
    also showing if and which of the other forms contain similar data
    This would also show if any of the other forms has new things to offer.
    I am happy to do that in a google spreadsheet. Coming soon.
    Can anybody suggest which other forms should be considered e.g., as Jay
    mentioned covering "“the field” - lifestyle, disease management,
    policy/population interventions"?
    Looking forward,

  • Carlos Luis Parra-Calderon's picture

    Author: Carlos Luis Par...

    Date: 11 May, 2020

    Hi Stefan and colleagues.
    In any case, implementation must go through the most recognized worldwide standard. I recommend the HL7 FHIR Implementation Guide: Electronic Case Reporting (eCR).
    All the best.
    Carlos Luis Parra Calderón
    Consortium Coordinator
    FAIR4Health Project
    Head of Technological Innovation
    Virgen del Rocío University Hospital
    Andalusian Health Service
    Head of Research and Innovation in Biomedical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering & Health Economy,
    Institute of Biomedicine of Seville
    Honorary assistant
    School Computer Science
    University of Seville

  • Stefan Sauermann's picture

    Author: Stefan Sauermann

    Date: 11 May, 2020

    Dear Carlos and all,
    Agree, if we have all the time in the world. :)
    Lets have a look at the content first, then estimate how far we can
    harmonise this,
    and THEN estimate when a standard may realistically be ready.
    FHIR may be a way to go, but I do not see a global consent at this moment.
    We may suggest this, lets see later im May.
    Looking forward,

  • Jay Greenfield 's picture

    Author: Jay Greenfield

    Date: 11 May, 2020

    In DDI, Dublin Core and's CreativeWork Coverage includes spatialCoverage, temporalCoverage and topicalCoverage.
    In a pandemic we want to do interoperability across borders (both within and between countries).
    Between countries topicalCoverage may vary. This is sometimes handled by specifying a core CRF / questionnaire and "supplementals". Not every country might get the same supplementals. Or, in other words, in a pandemic we necessarily use a protocol that invokes the core necessarily and supplementals conditionally.
    Within the core on the same topic certain questions may be conditional. They may also vary geospatially.
    Within the core or in a supplemental, question text and response labels may vary but the question remains the "same".
    All of this goes to the "I" of Interoperability in FAIR: topicalCoverage sometimes varies with spatialCoverage. Do this well and we can reduce the noise/random variation in the information collected.
    On top of the work Stefan finds himself in, I asked Maeve to think about extending Interoperability in FAIR as needed to account for at least variations in topicalCoverage by SpatialCoverage. This could be a deliverable we provide in our roadmap that takes us to FAIR (meta)data in pandemics operationally.
    Note that spatialCoverage need not be by country. spatialCoverage may be by grid and the grid may be hexagons if that is your liking.
    - Show quoted text -From: ***@***.*** <***@***.***> on behalf of caustin via RDA-COVID19-Epidemiology <***@***.***>
    Sent: Monday, May 11, 2020 4:21 AM
    To: RDA-COVID19-Epidemiology <***@***.***>
    Subject: [rda-covid19-epidemiology] Meeting 2020-05-11 at 3:00pm UTC. Topic: Data elements
    Dear colleagues,
    Please join us for our 13th meeting on Monday, May 11th at 3:00 PM UTC (Agenda).
    Please note the differing times:
    → Mon, Fri 3:00 PM UTC
    8:00 AM California, 11:00 AM New York, 5:00 PM France, 1:00 AM Melbourne
    → Wed (unchanged) 12:30 PM UTC
    5:30 AM California, 8:30 AM New York, 2:30 PM France, 10:30 PM Melbourne (password: washyourhands).
    We recommend installing the GoToMeeting app on your computer rather than connecting via a browser.
    You may want to review the updated Readme first, and the Zotero Web Library ‘RDA-COVID19 WG’.
    If you have not already done so, please:
    → Register your agreement/disagreement: Epidemiology data recommendations, 1st release
    (7 minutes to complete), password: washyourhands
    → Complete the membership survey (5 minutes to complete), password: washyourhands
    Looking forward to seeing you!
    Claire Austin

  • Carlos Luis Parra-Calderon's picture

    Author: Carlos Luis Par...

    Date: 11 May, 2020

    FHIR is about electronic and automatic interoperability available in many places, the EHR in Andalusia, my region, with more than 8 million inhabitants, can have it available in a few weeks. And it is real, electronic and automatic interoperability.
    I understand that manual data entry from the 20th century must be proposed for those systems which cannot interoperate directly from their EHRs, but that must not be a limitation for those sites which can do so.
    We will continue.
    All the Best.
    Carlos Luis Parra Calderón
    Jefe de Sección de Innovación Tecnológica
    Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío
    Servicio Andaluz de Salud
    Consejería de Salud
    Avda. Manuel Siurot S/N - 41013 Sevilla
    Tel: +34 955 01 36 62 - (31 36 62)
    Móvil: +34 697 95 48 64 - (75 48 64)
    skype: carlos.luis.parra
    Director del Grupo de Investigación e Innovación en Informática Biomédica, Ingeniería biomédica y Economía de la Salud.
    Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla
    Asistente Honorario.
    Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática.
    Universidad de Sevilla.
    Head of Technological Innovation
    Virgen del Rocío University Hospital
    Head of Research and Innovation in Biomedical Informatics, Biomedical Engineering & Health Economy,
    Institute of Biomedicine of Seville
    Honorary assistant
    School Computer Science
    University of Seville

  • Stefan Sauermann's picture

    Author: Stefan Sauermann

    Date: 12 May, 2020

    Dear Carlos,
    I agree that FHIR is a top candidate technology to address this on the
    long term. Personally it is also my recommendation.
    However we have to accept the fact that not all regions are able to
    implement it on the short term.
    e.g. Austria has CDA installed with millions of documents per month and
    millions of € invested. No chance to migrate within the next few years.
    EU cross border (CEF DSI) is also heavily into CDA.
    Whatever we recommend, we must also consider feasible migration paths
    and sufficent timeframes for an orderly move to these new technologies.
    One other observation:
    10 years ago only very few knew CDA in Austria. Now CDA still is not
    rolled out completely. FHIR pops in. Everything changes ...  Pain!! Do
    we throw away everything CDA?
    What will be the appropriate technology 5 years from now? We therefore
    want to make sure that the data still travels, no matter which
    technology is used far behind the screen?
    All the best,
    greetings from Vienna,

  • Carlos Luis Parra-Calderon's picture

    Author: Carlos Luis Par...

    Date: 12 May, 2020

    Fully agree!!!
    Thanks, Stefan:-))

  • Stefan Sauermann's picture

    Author: Stefan Sauermann

    Date: 12 May, 2020

    Dear Jay, all!
    We know very similar requirements in many applications! I agree completely.
    Could this be handled by specific valuesets, that are defined for each
    * e.g. The questionnaire includes a Section "Lab findings"
    * Each region defines an own list of laboratory tests that it wants
    o The region does this in a valueset called e.g. "Austrian Lab Tests"
    o The larger "umbrella" "core" set of codes includes ALL tests,
    from ALL regions
    + the regions populate their local value sets from this "core" set
    + if they miss anything, they propose to add it to the "core" set
    + (LOINC would be a candidate "core" in the lab test space)
    * As questionnares flow in from different regions, we can still link
    and compare the data
    o that is because the "core" set of codes is harmonised globally
    o not all regions will record all tests, so be it
    o at least we can work with all reports that come in.
    * If global harmonisation in one agreed "core" is not feasible:
    o mappings need to be defined between regional valuesets
    Hope I understood right,
    all the best,

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