Meeting 2020-05-13 at 12:30pm UTC.

13 May 2020
Groups audience: 

Dear colleagues,
Please join us for our 14th meeting on Wednesday, May 13th at 12:30 PM UTC (Agenda). (password: washyourhands).
We recommend installing the GoToMeeting app on your computer rather than connecting via a browser.
You may want to review the updated Readme first, and the Zotero Web Library ‘RDA-COVID19 WG’.
If you have not already done so, please:
→ Register your agreement/disagreement: Epidemiology data recommendations, 1st release
(7 minutes to complete), password: washyourhands
→ Complete the membership survey (5 minutes to complete), password: washyourhands
Looking forward to seeing you!
Claire Austin

  • Stefan Sauermann's picture

    Author: Stefan Sauermann

    Date: 13 May, 2020

    Dear Claire, all
    in case my other meetings keep me out of the EPI call:
    If interested, please have a look at the "Covid19 CRFs ContentOverview"
    Especially the ModulesSections sheet.
    Things to discuss:
    * Modules: The WHO CRF modules are a good starting point for the
    overall structure
    o some elements are not covered in WHO, like behavior, financial, etc.
    o are there other WHO forms that cover these? Can we copy the
    module titles and content from there? This would align to WHO,
    preferred in a perfect world.
    * Module Priorities: which of these modules do we REALLY need, and how
    o it may be OK to confirm that we need all of them
    o which modules must be harmonised first? Medical? Demographic?
    Lab? Co-morbidities? Behaviour? ...
    * Missing CRFs
    o do we see other CRFs that should be added?
    Next steps:
    * Any comments??
    * Agree on "module" titles for the items missing in the WHO CRF
    o work them into the table
    * for high priority modules:
    o look at sections and content, and generate a more detailed
    overview of the content
    o also add in the nomenclatures, taxonomies, codes, .... semantic
    information used for the information items.
    * add new CRFs, that the EPI group believes should go in.
    * We need a crisp set of use cases that this effort intends to serve.
    o This might be done next week.
    Looking forward,

  • Jay Greenfield's picture

    Author: Jay Greenfield

    Date: 13 May, 2020

    In considering additional questionnaires/CRFs we need to be use case driven.
    One use case we might want to support is the early warning system. In addition to clinic and hospital surveillance, this requires various forms of surveillance in the field. See the green below:
    Of course once we cross domains like from hospital/clinical to various forms of field surveillance we will also encounter data dictionaries, codebooks and metadata that conform to different standards. Mixing metadata standards is a problem that is playing out currently in the Wellcome Trust LMIC Questionnaire Initiative since HICs (in the UK) “naturally” think in terms of HL7 FHIR and data model for hosting EHR data called OMOP.
    The callout at Disease Management speaks to this issue.
    I will try to forward to you parts of the conversation that is ongoing with the Wellcome Trust LMIC Questionnaire.
    On May 13, 2020, at 4:54 AM, ***@***.*** via RDA-COVID19-Epidemiology <***@***.***> wrote:
    Dear Claire, all
    in case my other meetings keep me out of the EPI call:
    If interested, please have a look at the "Covid19 CRFs ContentOverview"
    Especially the ModulesSections sheet.
    Things to discuss:
    Modules: The WHO CRF modules are a good starting point for the overall structure
    some elements are not covered in WHO, like behavior, financial, etc.
    are there other WHO forms that cover these? Can we copy the module titles and content from there? This would align to WHO, preferred in a perfect world.
    Module Priorities: which of these modules do we REALLY need, and how fast?
    it may be OK to confirm that we need all of them
    which modules must be harmonised first? Medical? Demographic? Lab? Co-morbidities? Behaviour? ...
    Missing CRFs
    do we see other CRFs that should be added?
    Next steps:
    Any comments??
    Agree on "module" titles for the items missing in the WHO CRF
    work them into the table
    for high priority modules:
    look at sections and content, and generate a more detailed overview of the content
    also add in the nomenclatures, taxonomies, codes, .... semantic information used for the information items.
    add new CRFs, that the EPI group believes should go in.
    We need a crisp set of use cases that this effort intends to serve.
    This might be done next week.
    Looking forward,

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