Meeting 2020-05-25 at 3:00pm UTC. Topic: Workplan

25 May 2020
Groups audience: 

Dear colleagues,
Please join us for our 19th meeting (Agenda).
Monday, May 25, 2020, 3:00 PM UTC
(8:00 AM California, 11:00 AM New York, 5:00 PM France, 1:00 AM Melbourne) (password: washyourhands).
We recommend installing the GoToMeeting app on your computer rather than connecting via a browser.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Claire Austin

  • Carsten Oliver Schmidt's picture

    Author: Carsten Oliver ...

    Date: 26 May, 2020

    Hi Claire, hi all,
    I have written a brief abstract text for the Instruments document,
    Rajini is currently adding on it.
    Several basic points:
    * Methodology for instrument selection will be elaborated more
    transparently, potentially leading to changes in the current
    selection, it mus become clearer why instruments were selected
    * I would only include Tables 1a, 1b from the 5th edition in todays
    * Any comparison between instruments seems only feasible for an 8th
    June version
    * It is still to early for complete author lists /orders as others
    most likely will contribute
    What else do you need for today?

  • Stefan Sauermann's picture

    Author: Stefan Sauermann

    Date: 27 May, 2020

    Dear Carsten,
    I will try my best to add to this.
    All the best,

  • Carsten Oliver Schmidt's picture

    Author: Carsten Oliver ...

    Date: 27 May, 2020

    Hi Stephan,
    thanks, will you be in the call this afternoon?
    Am 27.05.2020 um 11:41 schrieb ***@***.*** via

  • Stefan Sauermann's picture

    Author: Stefan Sauermann

    Date: 27 May, 2020

    I will try my best, it may be a rather short visit.
    Sorry, they are close behind me, and catching up fast.
    All the best,

  • Carsten Oliver Schmidt's picture

    Author: Carsten Oliver ...

    Date: 27 May, 2020

    Hi Stepan,
    ok, I will be in the meeting around 3pm because I am in the middle of
    many meetings, maybe we could align,

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