Meeting 2020-05-20 at 12:30pm UTC

20 May 2020
Groups audience: 

Dear colleagues,
Please join us for our 17th meeting on Wednesday, May 20th (Agenda).
12:30 PM UTC (Meeting opens 15 minutes early to give people time to set up and informal chit chat)
(5:30am California, 6:30am Denver, 8:30am Montreal, 2:30pm France, 10:30pm Melbourne) (password: washyourhands).
We recommend installing the GoToMeeting app on your computer rather than connecting via a browser.
Looking forward to seeing you!
Claire Austin

  • Stefan Sauermann's picture

    Author: Stefan Sauermann

    Date: 20 May, 2020

    Dear Claire, Rajini, Jay, Carsten, all,
    I just pasted text blocks into the "Questionnaire" section of release,
    I tried my best to capture the results of the questionnaire /
    Instruments(!!) analysis and the discussions we had around this over the
    last few days. Sorry if this is not perfectly aligned to the rest of the
    document. Feel free to adapt, move around and change as appropriate.
    I hope I can attend the EPI call today, at least for some time. I may
    also be able to throw in review / text smithing time later tonight, if
    this helps. Please advise.
    Looking forward,
    all the best, we are nearly there,   :)

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