2-page summary

23 Apr 2020
Groups audience: 

Hello colleagues,
I have drafted an initial 2-page summary for your review and input (deadline, Thursday, April 23):
1. Please make any necessary edits (changes, corrections, additions, deletions), but keep within the maximum 2-page limit.
2. The references listed are those that are tagged as "key resources" in the Zotero Library.
* Please add any other resources that you feel should be highlighted as a key resource for this 1st release; and,
* Add a comment beside any resources that you feel could be removed at this time.
3. This 2-page summary will be integrated into the 1st public release of the overarching RDA-COVID19 WG document on Friday, April 24.
Thank you for all of your efforts and wonderful collaboration,

  • Stefan Sauermann's picture

    Author: Stefan Sauermann

    Date: 23 Apr, 2020

    Dear Claire!
    Thanks for this great effort! On first view, this is an excellent
    selection and summary from the many things that were thrown on you. It
    sparkles with diamonds from many very good sources.  I will meditate
    over the day and eventually comment. Thanks to all! Your work really
    moves towards a very useful outcome.
    Looking forward,
    greetings from Vienna,

  • Natalie Harrower's picture

    Author: Natalie Harrower

    Date: 23 Apr, 2020

    Thanks Clare this is excellent. I will draw on it when I talk to the ‘overarching’ group today, with the proviso that deadline is end of day.
    Read our statement on 'Playing Our Part during COVID-19'
    Dr. Natalie Harrower
    Director, Digital Repository of Ireland
    Royal Irish Academy
    ***@***.*** | @natalieharrower
    www.dri.ie | @dri_ireland
    European Commission FAIR data expert group
    European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) FAIR working group
    On 23 Apr 2020, at 06:38, Claire Austin <***@***.***> wrote:
    Hello colleagues,
    I have drafted an initial 2-page summary for your review and input (deadline, Thursday, April 23):
    1. Please make any necessary edits (changes, corrections, additions, deletions), but keep within the maximum 2-page limit.
    2. The references listed are those that are tagged as "key resources" in the Zotero Library.
    * Please add any other resources that you feel should be highlighted as a key resource for this 1st release; and,
    * Add a comment beside any resources that you feel could be removed at this time.
    3. This 2-page summary will be integrated into the 1st public release of the overarching RDA-COVID19 WG document on Friday, April 24.
    Thank you for all of your efforts and wonderful collaboration,
    The Academy is subject to the FOI Act 2014, the Data Protection Acts 1988-2003 and 2018, GDPR (EU 2016/679) and S.I. No. 336/2011, EC Privacy & Electronic Communications Regulations. For further information see our website www.ria.ie/privacy-and-data-protection

  • Carsten Oliver Schmidt's picture

    Author: Carsten Oliver ...

    Date: 23 Apr, 2020

    Dear Claire,
    very nice I have added but one suggestion regarding the harmonized
    assessment of side-effects of pandemic mitigation measures on competing
    risks in our societies (N.4)
    please use as you see fit,
    Am 23.04.2020 um 07:57 schrieb ***@***.***-wien.at via

  • Marlon L. Bayot's picture

    Author: Marlon L. Bayot

    Date: 23 Apr, 2020

    Dear Claire and subWG,
    The first release made a comprehensive yet straightforward glimpse to what
    we have all in mind in the previous days.
    Congratulations to everyone!
    God bless and best regards,
    On Fri, Apr 24, 2020, 05:58 coschmidt via RDA-COVID19-Epidemiology, <
    ***@***.***-groups.org> wrote:

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