RDA Newsletter & Announcements

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29 May 2020

RDA Releases 5th Final Draft of COVID-19 Guidelines and Recommendations

The Global Research Data Alliance community response to the global COVID-19 pandemic Data drives rapid response and informed decision making during public health emergencies. There is a need for timely and accurate collection, reporting and sharing of data with the research community, public health practitioners, clinicians and policy makers. Accurate and rapid availability of data will inform assessment of the severity, spread and impact of a pandemic to implement efficient and effective response strategies.

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27 May 2020

May Newsletter: 5th Final Draft Release of RDA COVID-19 Recommendations, TRUST Principles for Digital Repositories, Adoption Week & more

This issue opens with the Research Data Alliance the 5th Final Draft Release of the RDA COVID-19 Recommendations and Guidelines. We then guide you through RDA Adoption stories through a series of articles and a full RDA Adoption week on 15-19 June. The "TRUST Principles for Digital Repositories", an RDA communit effort recently published in Nature Research’s Scientific Data, are presented for endorsement together with a report on RDA contribution to the EOSC. 

Happy reading!

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19 May 2020

The TRUST Principles - An RDA Community Effort

An RDA community effort has led to the development and publication, in Nature Research’s Scientific Data, of the article, “The TRUST Principles for digital repositories”. These principles offer guidance for maintaining the trustworthiness of digital repositories, especially those responsible for the stewardship of research data.

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30 Apr 2020

April Newsletter: 2nd Release of COVID-19 Recommendations, Plenary Announcements, Staying Engaged with RDA and more!!!

RDA COVID-19 Working Group Recommendations and Guidelines: 2nd Release Published

During the week since the first release we have seen the addition of two cross-cutting COVID-19 sub-groups focusing on Legal and Ethical aspects and Software. The seven sub-groups have kept up their relentless pace and the main updates in this version, with respect to the 1st release on the 24 April 2020, include:

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31 Mar 2020

March Newsletter - P15 Virtual Plenary Meeting, RDA Celebrates 10,000 Members, COVID-19 Working Group Urgent Call for Expert Contributions and more

Data Together COVID-19 Appeal And Actions

RDA together with CODATA, GO-FAIR, and WDS (four major international data organisations), are pleased to outline their joint commitment to work together to optimise the global research data ecosystem and to identify the opportunities and needs that will trigger federated infrastructures to service the new reality of data-driven science.

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24 Mar 2020

RDA COVID-19 Working Group - Urgent Call for Expert Contributions

As an international, consensus-driven, community based organisation, the Research Data Alliance (RDA) has been asked to leverage on the global RDA data community to support the urgent Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.

As a response, RDA has set up a fast track Working Group titled the “RDA COVID-19 Working Group”.

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11 Mar 2020

RDA 15th Plenary Meeting CANCELLED

Thursday 12th March 2020

Dear Plenary 15 delegates and RDA members,
It is with a very heavy heart and great sadness that I inform you, on behalf of the organisers,  that we are cancelling the 15th RDA Plenary Meeting, scheduled to take place from 18-20 March 2020 in Melbourne Australia

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08 Mar 2020

COVID-19 and Plenary 15 Programme Updates

Dear Plenary 15 Registrants.

With only one week left until Plenary 15 (P15), now is the time to review the programme, identify the meetings/sessions most relevant to you and plan your schedule. For both new and long-time members, these tasks can be overwhelming, so in effort to help you streamline the process, some highlights of the event are provided below. We also want to share with you information about RDA’s Code of Conduct.


Code of Conduct and COVID-19

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