RDA Newsletter & Announcements

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17 Oct 2019

Secretariat Staff Change

As a result of a change of institutions for the regional office and re-focus on the North American strategies and activities of the Research Data Alliance, Anthony Juehne has recently stepped down from his role on the RDA Secretariat. Anthony continues to be very actively involved in RDA on a regional level, as well as within global activities surrounding the Sustainable Development Goals and Health. I would like to thank Anthony very much for his dedication and efforts during his time on the secretariat.

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26 Sep 2019

RDA Business Updates Newsletter - September 2019 Edition

This second issue of the RDA Business newsletter focuses primarily on the latest activities within each of the RDA Organisational Bodies, namely the Council and its Task Forces,TAB, the Organisational Assembly and the Organisation Advisory Board, the RDA Secretariat and the Secretary General. Much of the activity carried out in the last month relate to the planning and organisation of the RDA 14th Plenary in Helsinki, Finland.


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23 Sep 2019

2019 Technical Advisory Board Election: Meet the Candidates!

RDA is pleased to announce the candidates nominated for the 2019 Technical Advisory Board (TAB) election. For members not familiar with TAB, this RDA governance group provides technical expertise and advice to RDA Council, and assists in the development, review and promotion of RDA Working & Interest Groups.


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23 Sep 2019

Early Bird Registration for Plenary 14 Ends on 24 Sept at Midnight EST

If you plan on attending Plenary 14 in Helsinki, Finland, and haven’t yet registered, be sure to register by midnight (EST) to secure the early bird rate of €459. After this date, the rate increases to €533, up through 20 October. Onsite registration will be available, but at an even higher rate of €620. Registration is available at https://www.rd-alliance.org/rda-14th-plenary-registration.

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29 Aug 2019

My RDA Journey, Meet RDA Ambassadors, Member Spotlight and P14 updates: RDA August Newsletter

Every member of the RDA community is unique and has a different reason for being involved. Sharing your RDA Journey helps others understand the value of the community.  This month's newsletter features Hilary Hanahoe's invitation to send few sentences on your RDA experience, the six new RDA Ambassadors and a report from the RDA Europe Ambassador for the Humanities, highlights on RDA Plenary 14th, upcoming events and much more. Don't miss it!

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02 Aug 2019

Lynn Yarmey is moving on to new pastures

It is bittersweet to share that Lynn Yarmey, Director of Community Development for RDA/US and Secretariat Lead for Group Management, after over 3 years of service is moving on to her next endeavour with the City of Boulder in Colorado, USA. 

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26 Jul 2019

RDA 15th Plenary in Melbourne, CODATA Science Journal RDA Special Collection, RDA & COAR Collaboration, P14 Highlights & more: the July Newsletter is out!

RDA's 15th Plenary Meeting is officially announced, taking place from 18 - 20 March 2020 in Melbourne, Australia. As part of the Australian tour, Hilary Hanahoe will be giving a Webinar on 7 August at 12 noon AEST. In this release, you will also read about the launch of Ireland’s National Framework on the Transition to an Open Research Environment and about the newly established collaboration with the Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR). The CODATA Science Journal RDA Special collection is gathering research results from RDA Working and Interest Groups. Four Recommendations and Outputs are currently open for Community Review. And much more: happy reading!

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25 Jul 2019

The Business of RDA - July 2019

In a new monthly update, the community is offered this overview of “Business” updates.  This first overview is a little more comprehensive and extensive to briefly cover the various roles and responsibilities of each of the bodies.  Future updates will focus primarily on the latest activities within each group.

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24 Jul 2019

Learn how RDA can Help you with your Data Management Plan - 31 July Webinar

In an effort to educate data professionals about the value of adopting RDA Recommendations and Outputs within their work, RDA is holding a series of webinars over the upcoming months. This webinar, scheduled for 31 July, will focus specifically on RDA groups and outputs related to Data Management Plans.

Attendees will have the opportunity to converse directly with the group chairs who have led the development of these outputs.

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