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30 Oct 2016

Mapping the Landscape IG


The Internet now connects data, compute resources and software from globally distributed resources in real time. Where on planet Earth these resources are geographically located is irrelevant, but to enable online access to them, there is a rising need for programmatic access to both data, and to software to process data across institutional, domain and national boundaries. This requires the development of standardized machine-to-machine interfaces that can loosely couple data and software through agreed formats, interfaces, vocabularies and ontologies, preferably across multiple domains. The complexity of these online infrastructures require that they are built by much wider communities, through effective cooperation and governance, to enable new and innovative forms of interdisciplinary science from globally accessible data stores. 

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Marine Data Harmonization IG


Status: Recognised & Endorsed The objective of this working group is to promote the development of a common global framework for the management of marine data to address the impact of natural and man-made phenomena. Multi-disciplinary collaboration and large volumes of good quality interoperable data which can be easily located and accessed is required for this to support the development of this ecosystem based approach to marine research.

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Metabolomics Data Interoperability IG


Metabolomics assesses the molecular state of an organism or collections of organisms through the comprehensive quantitative and qualitative analysis of all small molecules in cells, tissues, and body fluids. It has become an important phenotyping technique for molecular biology and medicine. In addition application of metabolomics in environmental science, toxicology, food and medical industry is well established, growing and documented.

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02 Mar 2015

National Data Services IG


Given the increased value of research data as a national research asset, many countries are establishing national services to provide data services, coordination and support for research data storage, management, publication, reuse and sharing. The peers for such national data services are other national data services, and this interest group is intended as a peer support forum to exchange ideas and share experiences. The desired outcome is to increase efficiency for the individual operators of national data services and to promote a more coherent joined-up, informal federation cooperative of such services.

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17 Oct 2016

On-Farm Data Sharing (OFDS) WG


Farmers have the capability as they have never had before to critically evaluate management practices using field-scale replicated strip trials. Farmers have gained this powerful capability because yield monitors on combines enable accurate measurement of yields. Networks of farmers have become increasingly common to exploit the potential of yield monitors to evaluate management practices at the field level. Networks of farmers have also become increasingly common because farmers understand the power of evaluating management practices across many fields.

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