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02 Nov 2015

Array Database Assessment WG

Chair (s): 

The Array Database Assessment WG is inspecting the emerging technology of Array Databases to provide support for technologists and decision makers considering Big Data services in academic and industrial environments (such as in large-scale data centers) by establishing best-practice guidelines on how to optimally serve multi-dimensional gridded Big Data through Array Databases. This will be accomplished through a neutral, thorough hands-on evaluation assessing available Array Database systems and comparable technology

  • based on relevant standards, such as the NIST Big Data Reference Architecture, ISO “Array SQL”, and OGC Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS) for the geo domain;
  • comparing technical criteria like functionality, thereby eliciting the state of the art;
  • establishing and running a combination of domain-driven and domain-neutral benchmarks that will be run on each platform;
  • as well as real-life, publicly accessible deployments at scale.

The result, consisting of the ADA:WG report together with the open-source benchmarking software and the services established, will establish a hitherto non-existing overview on the state of the art and best use of Array Databases in science, engineering, and beyond.

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Big Data IG

Recognised & Endorsed

Big Data Interest Group seeks to address community needs on all things having to do with Big Data. Specifically, it aims to produce a set of recommendation documents to advise diverse research communities with respect to: * How to select an appropriate Big Data solution for a particular science application with optimal value? and * What are the best practices in dealing with various data and computing issues associated with such a solution?

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18 Dec 2018

Big Data Modelling of UN SDGs


The proposed setting–Development Science Framework (DSF), views each SDG as a source of highly correlated Big Data attributes and seeks to explore their interactions in a predictive, spatio-temporal context.

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01 May 2017

BOF - P10 Session for Research Funders on the Topic of Open Research and Data Management


*La version francais suite*

There are currently few forums for research funders engaged in the open research and data management space to discuss their unique challenges, perspectives and opportunities. Creating a forum for research funders to initiate or further data-related discussions could result in lasting benefits for the research community (increased coordination, standardization and support) and the funders themselves in terms of avoiding duplication of efforts and building on existing expertise and resources.


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07 Nov 2016

Certification and Accreditation for Data Science Training and Education WG


The Certification and Accreditation for Data Science Training and Education WG was set up following the RDA 8th Plenary BoF meeting which initiated the discussions on approaches to analyzing and comparing data science related accreditation and certification schemes and related practices for data science and data management professions in different countries around the world.

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