Array Database Assessment WG
The Array Database Assessment WG is inspecting the emerging technology of Array Databases to provide support for technologists and decision makers considering Big Data services in academic and industrial environments (such as in large-scale data centers) by establishing best-practice guidelines on how to optimally serve multi-dimensional gridded Big Data through Array Databases. This will be accomplished through a neutral, thorough hands-on evaluation assessing available Array Database systems and comparable technology
- based on relevant standards, such as the NIST Big Data Reference Architecture, ISO “Array SQL”, and OGC Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS) for the geo domain;
- comparing technical criteria like functionality, thereby eliciting the state of the art;
- establishing and running a combination of domain-driven and domain-neutral benchmarks that will be run on each platform;
- as well as real-life, publicly accessible deployments at scale.
The result, consisting of the ADA:WG report together with the open-source benchmarking software and the services established, will establish a hitherto non-existing overview on the state of the art and best use of Array Databases in science, engineering, and beyond.