Please note that the Metadata Standards Directory WG has now finished its term under RDA and has delivered its outputs. A follow-on WG has been created: Metadata Standards Catalog WG.
The RDA Metadata Standards Directory Working Group is supported by individuals and organizations involved in the development, implementation, and use of metadata for scientific data. The overriding goal is to develop a collaborative, open directory of metadata standards applicable to scientific data can help address infrastructure challenges...Metadata Standards Working Group Case Statement.
Key resources
- Digital Curation Centre's metadata directory.
- Github exploratory work:
- Background research: Ball, A. Scientific Data Application Profile Scoping Study Report:
- Output Slides presented at Plenary 6 in Paris
- Output Slides presented at Plenary 5 in San Diego
- Metadata Principles - Created and endorsed by all the RDA metadata groups
Outreach and Presentations
- Summer interns help advance MSDWG agenda:
- Yuan Ling, Drexel University, USA-RDA internship, investigates machine-actionable policy linking RDA's MSDWG and Policy working groups. See Yuan's poster @ RDA-4, Mapping Human-Readable/Machine-Readable Policies for RDA Metadata Standards Directory Development.
- Kate Alderete, University of Denver, Colorado, DataONE RDA metadata WG: DataONE summer internship, project no. 7, explores GitHub to make the Metadata Standard Directory more commuity driven.
- Ball, A., Chen, S., Greenberg, J., Jeffery, K., Koskela, R., and Perze, J. (2014). Building a disciplinary metadata standards directory. IDCC-2014:
Chen, S. (2014). A Prototype Collaborative Directory of Metadata Standards. A Master’s
Paper for the M.S. in L.S. degree. April 2014:
- Perez, C. (2013). The RDA’s Metadata Standards Directory: Information Gathering. A Master’s Paper for the M.S. in L.S. degree. November, 2013: CPerez-RDA-Metadata.pdf,
- CAMP-4-DATA - DCMI Science and Metadata/RDA, 6 Sept. 2013, Lisbon, Portugal, (Proceedings). Greenberg,
Selected past events
- Building a disciplinary metadata standards directory, Wednesday, 26 February session 2 (Alex Ball, DCC/UKOLN).
- EUDAT: European Data Infrastructure/RDA’s Metadata Standards Directory Working Group presentation (Bill Michener, 30 October 2013).
- 11th euroCRIS Strategic Seminar targets Metadata in Research Information Systems, 9-10, Sept. 2013..
- CAMP-4-DATA - DCMI Science and Metadata/RDA, 6 Sept. 2013, Lisbon, Portugal,
WG slides and documents
- Metadata Standard Directory WG folder (this takes you to the Filedepot, then navigate to MSDWG folder under Top Level Folders)
- See also Metadata IG (interest group).
(updated: 28 Sept. 2015)