Dr Etienne Roesch Chair
Member since: 07/01/2022 - 11:37Short Bio
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Etienne Roesch is an applied statistician, in the School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences and Deputy Director of the Centre for Integrative Neuroscience & Neurodynamics. Work in his lab focuses generally on how we experience the world, in a wide remit of fundamental research and industrial applications, including reproducibility of science, climate change science, machine learning, neuroscience and cyber psychology. He is on the steering group of the UK Reproducibility Network (https://ukrn.org/), and community manager for the UKRN Local Network Leads in 70 institutions in the UK. He is also founder and chief editor for ReScience X (http://rescience.org/x), an open access, peer-reviewed, free-to-read, free-to-publish, academic journal for the dissemination of replicated experimental research.