Completed and RDA-endorsed
- FAIRsharing registry - A curated, informative and educational registry of interlinked descriptions of (i) standards (to identify, report, and cite data and metadata), (ii) repositories (databases, knowledgebases), and (iii) journal publisher and funder data policies in all disciplines. FAIRsharing guides consumers to discover, select and use these resources with confidence, and producers to make their resources more visible, widely adopoted and cited.
- Recommendations - A two pages summary to provide guidance to users and producers of standards and repositories, describing how they can best select and describe these resources, and advice to policy makers on how they can best recommend these resources in their data policies.
To promote further adoption and drive improvement of the adopted FAIRsharing registry, the WG contributes to a number of activities with other RDA groups; these activities reflect the requests and needs of the community, and are open and inclusive for all stakeholders. The WG community network encompasses repositories mantainers and developers, standard-developing organizations, journals and journal publishers, funders, librarians, data stewards, and other scholarly organizations and alliances.
Current ongoing activities are listed below.
- Creation of educational material via the FAIRsharing Community Champions Programme
- This activity is supported by the RDA/EOSC-Future Ambassadorship to Allyson Lister and will drawn upon the collective domain expertise within the RDA to build a network of community curators who will (1) act as advocates to promote the value of standards, databases and policies; (2) create educational material describing these resources and who FAIRsharing registry help; and (3) enrich the content of FAIRsharing, adding and enhancing the description of these resources.
- Alignment of data policy from funders and publishers
- This activity is a collaboration with the RDA Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management and Practices IG, and the Data Policy Standardization and Implementation IG. The objective is to provide recommendation on how to improve this alignment, and to identify a common set of policy metadata features all stakeholders want to see implemented the FAIRsharing registry.
- Mapping repositories features across initiatives
- This activity is a collaboration with the Data Repository Attributes WG, formed, as result of a discussion session the RDA FAIRsharing WG run at Plenary 17, where we brought together a number of stakeholders that have defined features and criteria to certify repositories, guide their selections, and define good practice. This new group will identify a common set of repository metadata features all stakeholders want to see implemented also registries, such as FAIRsharing.
Major organizations
Here a partial list of organisations that have adopted and recommend FAIRsharing. It is pratically impossible to keep a list of all adopters and users as they encompass all stakeholders groups, such as funding agencies, scholarly publishers, standards organizations, librarians, infrastructure programmes, universities and projects, as well as researchers from academia, industry and governmental bodies.
If you want to know more about adopting or collaborating with FAIRsharing, please contact us.
Examples of doption stories
Selection of official reports from funders and other organizations
These reports recommend FAIRsharing for standards, repositories and data policies:
- “Horizon Europe Programme Guide" 2021 - Funder: EU Horizon Europe - Funding Programme Discipline: All
- “FAIR Metrics for EOSC” 2021 - Funder: EU EOSC - Discipline: All
- “Recommendations on certifying services required to enable FAIR within EOSC” 2021 - Funder: EU EOSC - Discipline: All
- “EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda" 2021 - Funder: EU EOSC - Discipline: All
- “Six Recommendations for implementation of FAIR practice” 2020 - Funder: EU EOSC - Discipline: All
- “FAIR Metrics for EOSC” 2020 - Funder: EU EOSC - Discipline: All
“Sustainable and FAIR Data Sharing in the Humanities” 2020 - Federation: ALLEA - Discipline: Humanities
"Horizon 2020 projects working on COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 and related topics” 2020 - Funder: EU H2020 - Discipline: Coronavirus research
- "Horizon 2020 Annotated Grant Agreement” 2019 - Funder: EU H2020 - Discipline: All
- “Open Research Data and Data Management Plans” 2019 - Funder: European Research Council - ERC - Discipline: All
- “Turning FAIR into Reality” 2018 - Funder: EU European Open Science Cloud - EOSC - Discipline: All
- “Framework for Discipline-specific Research Data Management” 2018 - Funders Association: Science Europe - Discipline: All
- “Open Research Data Task Force Case Study” 2018 - Governamental: UK Open Research Data Task Force - Discipline: All
- “FAIR in Practice” 2018 - Non-for-profit: UK Jisc - Discipline: All
RDA Plenary P20th, 21st-23th Mar 2022
We will present at, and co-organized, several sessions and workshops (pre-post and during the Plenary) where we provide updates on the FAIRsharing WG activities.
- Satellite workshop, Mon 20th, 09:30 - 13:00 CET: "Machine actionanle DMP"
- Plenary breakout 2, Tue 21st, 15:00 - 16:30 CET: "Infrastructure supporting the FAIR data principles in life science research practice", jointly by Life Science Data Infrastructures IG, and FAIRsharing WG.
- Plenary breakout 5, Wed 22nd, 12:30 - 14:00 CET: "Community Engagement That Works! Examining tools and success stories of pathways to Engagement in Community-led organisations at a global level", jointly by FAIRsharing WG, Professionalising Data Stewardship IG, Engaging Researchers with Data IG, and Early Career and Engagement IG.
- Satellite workshop, Fri 24th, 09:00 - 13:00 CET: "Data-driven life science and the RDA: Leveraging global data communities in regional initiatives and cross-border infrastructures" by SciLifeLab.
RDA Plenary P18th, 3rd-11th Nov 2021, virtual
We have co-organized a session which continues the work on aligning funders and publisher policies, also to improve the way policies are described in FAIRsharing.
- Breakout 14, Thur 11th, 16:00 - 17:30 UTC: "Funder-Publisher Research Data Policy Alignment" joint with Funders IG and Data Policy Standardization IG.
- Poster
Activities at previous Plenary
RDA Plenary P17th, 20th-23rd April 2021, Edinburgh (virtual)
We have (co)organized one session, listed below, which are intented to help improve the metadata descriptors for repositories and policies in the FAIRsharing registry, through the work of existing initiatives and by listening to the needs of all stakeholders.
- Breakout 1, Tues 20th, 10:15-11:45 UTC: "Repository features across initiatives: mapping the landscape"
- Breakout 8, Thur 22nd, 12:45-13:15 UTC: "Funder-Publisher Research Data Policy Alignment" joint with Funders IG and Data Policy Standardization IG.
RDA Plenary P16th, 9th-12nd November 2020, Costa Rica (virtual)
The FAIRsharing WG will present at the session on Thursday, 12 November (breakout 8) run by the Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies and Practices IG
RDA Plenary P14th, 23rd-25th October 2019, Helsinki, Finland
The FAIRsharing WG was involved in and presented at a number of RDA and pre-RDA sessions
Pre-RDA FAIRsFAIR meeting
- Building the data landscape of the future: FAIR Semantics and FAIR Repositories (Agenda) (Slides on semantics) (Slides on repositories)
- Breakout 3 - Criteria for repository selection (All slides from this session)
- Breakout 6 - The challenging FAIRisation route: how could assessment help? (All slides from this session) (Session Report)
- Breakout 7 - Access to Human Data Makes a Difference
- Breakout 7 - Metadata for FAIR Data (FAIRsharing slides)
- Breakout 8 - Reuse and adoption of standards and RDA outputs in the agrifood community (FAIRsharing slides)
RDA Plenary 12th, 5th-7th November 2018, Gaborone, Botswana
The FAIRsharing WG was involved in a number of RDA and pre-RDA sessions.
Monday 5th November
- RDA BREAKOUT 1 11:30-13:00 BoF Introducing Research Data Management in Engineering - video and remote attendance
- RDA BREAKOUT 1 11:30-13:00 BoF GO FAIR - presentation
- RDA BREAKOUT 2 14:00-15:30 WG FAIRsharing Registry: Connecting Data Policies Standards & Databases, IG Data Policy Standardisation and Implementation: Journal Data Policy Standardization for FAIRer Data - Where We Are, What is Next - presentation
- RDA BREAKOUT 2 14:00-15:30 BoF Best Practices for Vocabulary-based Projects: Development, Standardization, Registration, Harmonization and Support - video and remote attendance
Tuesday 6th November
- SciDataCon Session 14:00-15:30 Democratising Data Publishing: A Global Perspective - Part 1 - presentation
- SciDataCon Session 16:00-17:30 Supporting FAIR data - presentation
- SciDataCon Session 16:00-17:30 Democratising Data Publishing: A Global Perspective - Part 1 - panel
Wednesday 7th November
- RDA BREAKOUT 6 16:00-17:30 G ELIXIR Bridging Force, WG FAIRsharing Registry: Connecting Data Policies, Standards & Databases, IG Agricultural Data Interest Group (IGAD), IG Biodiversity Data Integration, IG RDA/CODATA Legal Interoperability - Access and Benefits Sharing and the Nagoya Protocol - presentation
Please don't hesitate to contact us on contact@fairsharing.org if you would like to arrange to talk to us at the plenary or to invite one of our representatives to your session.
RDA Plenary 11th, 21st-23rd March 2018, Berlin, Germany
FAIRsharing was involved in a number of RDA and pre-RDA sessions:
- Wednesday 21st March, Breakout 1 - Joint meeting: IG ELIXIR Bridging Force, IG BioDiversity Data Integration, WG FAIRsharing Registry
- Wednesday 21st March, Breakout 2 - Joint meeting: IG ELIXIR Bridging Force, IG Preservation Tools, Techniques and Policies, IG From Observational Data to Information, WG FAIRsharing Registry
- Friday 23rd March, Breakout 8 - Joint meeting: IG Agricultural Data (IGAD), IG Data Discovery Paradigms, IG ELIXIR Bridging Force, WG FAIRsharing Registry
RDA Plenary 10th, 17th-21st September 2017, Montreal, Canada
Sunday 17th September - Monday 18th September
- Interest Group on Agricultural Data (IGAD) Pre-Plenary meeting - slides available here
Tuesday 19th September
- 11:30-13:00 Interest Group Data Discovery Paradigms
- 4:00-15:30 Interest Group Mapping the landscape
- 16:00-17:30 Joint WG FAIRsharing, IG ELIXIR Bridging Force - Slides
Wednesday 20th September
Thursday 21st September
- 11:00-12:30 Working Group Data Fitness
RDA Plenary 9th, 5-7th April 2017, Barcelona, Spain
Monday 3rd - Tuesday 4th April
- Interest Group on Agricultural Data (IGAD) Pre-RDA meeting - slides available here
- EUDAT Semantic Working Group Workshop - slides available here
Wednesday 5th April
- 11:30-13:00 Breakout 1 - What's Happened in the Life Sciences - joint FAIRsharingWG & ELIXIR Bridging Force IG (Room MR12) - FAIRsharing slides available here
- 13:00-14:00 Recommendation and adoption demo (Poster room)
Thursday 6th April
- 14:00-15:30 Breakout 6 - Data policy standisation and implementation - using the life and biomedical sciences as a domain-specific example (Room MR12) - FAIRsharing slides available here
- 16:00-18:00 Plenary Session - FAIRsharing Registry - Recommendations & Outputs (Plenary room) - slides here and video here
RDA Plenary 8th and IDW, 11-17th September 2016, Denver, USA
We co-organized and presented at the following sessions:
- SciDataCon16: Biomedical Data Stewardship: technologies for making biomedical resources FAIR, session 34 with the NIH BD2K community - slides here
- Thursday 15th September 2-3:30pm:
- The data diversity problem in biomedicine, a joint session among IG Elixir Bridging Force, WG Biosharing,WG Data Type Registries,WG Metadata Standards Catalog - slides here
- Friday 16th September 9-10am:
- RDA output - a 10 minute review of the FAIRsharing WG, where we are with 6 months to go
- Friday 16th September 11-12:30pm:
- The FAIR Data Principles - the concepts and exemplars implementations, a joint session between IG ELIXIR Bridging Force and WG FAIRsharing - slides here
- Saturday 17th September 11-12:30pm:
- Data policies, databases and metadata standards: inform, cross-link, use, a joint session among Publishing Data IG, Metadata standards catalog WG and WG FAIRsharing - slides here
- Thursday 15th September 2-3:30pm:
RDA pre-Plenary 8th
- Pre-defined Recommendations: A core-set of resources (databases and/or standards) that have been selected and recommended by relevant groups or organizations.
- Wizard Tool (beta): The wizard guides users step-by-step through the resources captured in FAIRsharing.
- FAIRsharing Standards Registry Survey: We have just closed our FAIRsharing Standards Registry survey, where we have assessed your needs for a registry of data/content standards in the life, environmental and biomedical sciences. We have had over 530 responses. We're now analysing the survey and will shortly publicize an executive summary of the results, along with the raw data.
RDA Plenary 7th
Where we presented
- Tues - Breakout 3: Joint meeting IG ELIXIR Bridging Force and WG FAIRsharing Registry.
- Update on the FAIRsharing WG activities
Activities pre-plenary 7
To prioritize FAIRsharing registry's content and capabilities, in a way most appropriate to your needs, we have run a 10 questions survey and received 530 replies!
Here you can see a 3 slides update on our progresses to date.
RDA Plenary 6th
Thank-you for your feedback at the 6th Plenary meeting in Paris. It was great to catch up with everyone and to hear about the innovative and challenging work everyone is doing. If you didn’t manage to catch us at the meeting, our slides and our leaflet are available on Slideshare, as follows:
- WG RDA/WDS Publishing Data Workflows (10 minute presentation)
- FAIRsharing WG Joint Session (20 minute presentation)
- A leaflet detailing FAIRsharing and some of our new features
Where we presented
- Wed - Working Meeting Session 1
- Thur - Working Meeting Session 6
- Fri - Working Meeting Session 8 and 9
- "Joint meeting of IG ELIXIR Bridging Force & WG FAIRsharing Registry: Life Sciences and Sensitive Data"
- "Joint meeting of IG Domain Repositories, IG Agriculture Data Interest Group (IGAD), WG FAIRsharing Registry, IG RDA/CODATA Materials Data, Infrastructure & Interoperability & WG Wheat Data Interoperability"
RDA pre-Plenary 6th
Help us prioritize improvements to FAIRsharing's capabilities as a Standards Information Resource, in a way most appropriate to your needs. Take a few minutes to answer few questions, please!
RDA Plenary 5th
- Scope and role for FAIRsharing in the Environment-related Interest and Working Groups - Plenary Session.
- Role and participation of FAIRsharing in NIH and ELIXIR related initiatives presented at the BoF on Biomedical Data.