Javad Chamanara

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Dr Javad Chamanara

Member since: 01/07/2019 - 11:08
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Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Research Data Management
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Short Bio

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Dr. Javad Chamanara is a senior postdoctoral researcher at the L3S/TIB joint lab (Leibniz University of Hanover, Germany) working on distributed semantic research data management systems. Javad holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Friedrich Schiller Jena, Germany, an MSc. in Software Engineering from the University of Polytechnic, Tehran, Iran, and a BSc. in Software Engineering from the University of Science and Culture, Tehran, Iran. He has authored many journal and conference papers on heterogeneous data processing, query languages, conceptual modeling of research data, and data integration. Javad has built a new query language (QUIS) for data retrieval from heterogeneous data sources. He also has introduced a new data life cycle (JenPlane) for scientific data management projects in order to mitigate the shortcomings of traditional waterfall lifecycles such as DataOne and USGS. Before joining L3S he was the team lead and software architect of BExIS, a web-based research data management system used by many projects including iDiv, AquaDiva, Max Plank BGC, Biodiversity Exploratories, and ATTO. He led a large national project to conceptualize and develop ontologies for 21 geo-related domains such as geochemistry, geophysics, exploration, and mining. Javad has participated and contributed in international educational programs at the University of Michigan US and University of Lisbon Portugal. He is currently a member of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) and participates in the Harmonizing FAIR descriptions of observational data WG. He also leads the Research Data Management tooling efforts at the TIB, as well as working on the Boost 4.0 Core Ontology project.

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