giving a talk at GO Inter

20 Sep 2019

Hi Barbara and all,
First of all, I am sorry for my absence in the recent telcos, I was busy
submitting a proposal.
I am attending a FAIR meeting at Go Inter [1] on 1st and 2nd October. The
organizer had the suggestion that I give a short talk about I-ADOPT. What
do you think? and if you see this as a good outreach opportunity, do we
have some material (PowerPoint) that I can reuse?
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  • John Graybeal's picture

    Author: John Graybeal

    Date: 20 Sep, 2019

    (speaking as just one of the 'all' :->)
    This is absolutely a good outreach opportunity. (And thanks for the pointer, I just signed up!)
    I'm sure Barbara some material, but it would be really nice to have a slide or two that captures the strategy that has been discussed lately in I-ADOPT. I'd be happy to help create something like that, but I am presenting at GO FAIR meetings in Leiden more or less at exactly that time, so I'm afraid I am pretty well booked until then. (Where is the GO Inter meeting?)
    On Sep 20, 2019, at 12:24 AM, javadch via InteroperAble Descriptions of Observable Property Terminology WG (I-ADOPT WG) <***@***.***> wrote:
    Hi Barbara and all,
    First of all, I am sorry for my absence in the recent telcos, I was busy submitting a proposal.
    I am attending a FAIR meeting at Go Inter [1] on 1st and 2nd October. The organizer had the suggestion that I give a short talk about I-ADOPT. What do you think? and if you see this as a good outreach opportunity, do we have some material (PowerPoint) that I can reuse?
    CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This email communication may contain private, confidential, or legally privileged information intended for the sole use of the designated and/or duly authorized recipient(s). If you are not the intended recipient or have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately by email and permanently delete all copies of this email including all attachments without reading them. If you are the intended recipient, secure the contents in a manner that conforms to all applicable state and/or federal requirements related to privacy and confidentiality of such information.
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    John Graybeal
    Technical Program Manager
    Center for Expanded Data Annotation and Retrieval /+/ NCBO BioPortal
    Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research

  • Javad Chamanara's picture

    Author: Javad Chamanara

    Date: 20 Sep, 2019

    Hi John, thanks for your encouraging message;-)
    I will start creating the slides on G drive and share it with you (and
    others) so that it would be easy to help me.
    The event will be in Cologne, Germany.
    On Fri, Sep 20, 2019, 22:03 graybeal via InteroperAble Descriptions of
    Observable Property Terminology WG (I-ADOPT WG) <***@***.***>

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