Dr Joao Moreira
Member since: 09/23/2019 - 17:46Short Bio
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Dr. Moreira has a broad experience in the ICT industry since 2001, working as programmer, systems analyst and solutions architect; and in academy as researcher and professor since 2008. His background covers software engineering and data science, including the whole application lifecycle management, with emphasis on semantic interoperability of ICT solutions for seamless data integration and analytics. Dr. Moreira is enrolled as a part-time postdoctoral researcher at the University VU Amsterdam (UCDS group), as semantic technologies specialist for the project FAIR workflows, which aims at improving the reproducibility and reuse of scientific protocols and workflows, e.g., machine learning pipelines. In addition, he contributes to the European Telecommunication Standardization Institute (ETSI) within the special task force 566 for extending the IoT ontology standard (SAREF), enrolled through the University of Twente (SCS group). Dr. Moreira is a reviewer of academic works and revised papers for journals and conferences, such as Natural Hazards, Pervasive and Mobile Computing, FOIS, I-ESA, ISCRAM, among others. He has been involved in innovation proposals for research and industry-oriented projects, including EU calls, participating in the GO-FAIR initiative and standardization work groups (e.g. W3C and ETSI). During his PhD he was the main author of more than 10 peer-reviewed publications, including a best paper award in FOIS 2018. His PhD research targeted artificial intelligence for data integration of smart emergency services supported by IoT technologies in the context of disaster management for smart cities.