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Please make sure the group follows the new RDA Groups Policy, which came into effect on 1 April 2021. Please contact enquiries[at] if you have any questions.





The objective of this group is to provide a welcoming space for archivists and records management professionals within RDA to share knowledge and explore issues related to research data that arise in their professional activities.  We explore the areas where the principles and practices in the information disciplines of archives, records management, and research data curation overlap and where they diverge.  Examining alignments in theoretical frameworks, practical implementations, and goals among these information disciplines, we determine areas where practitioners across them can learn from each other in ways that can lead to the development of a vibrant community of information professionals working across different domains.


We are determined to ensure that the large body of existing knowledge from the archives and records management spheres, much of which is pertinent to practical applications of research data management, including making and keeping data FAIR, has a presence within the RDA landscape.

