Preparing for the 16th Plenary
The IG on Surveying Open Data Practices draws attention to the growth of global and national-level surveys as a lens to characterize how researchers’ practices and perceptions toward open data shape the knowledge ecology in different jurisdictions and disciplines.
The IG was established to convene interested parties to explore interest in and feasibility of promoting a coordinated approach to the development and analysis of open data sharing surveys. The IG is interested in the potential of harnessing the insights from survey data to inform policy and practice.
This concluding IG Session has two objectives. First, to discuss the main outcomes of the IG’s work, and second, to explore how the RDA might position itself to monitor and potentially shape survey data on research data management and data sharing on an ongoing basis.
Session to be held online on Wednesday 11 November from 17.00-18:30 UTC
You can find the agenda for the session and the speakers here:
After the 14th Plenary
Following a well attended session with lots of discussion we have now uploaded all presentations in one pptx file. It contains:
- The link to the SuAVE tool for visualisation and comparison of survey data results
- Feedback from users, incuding RDA-internal groups, Funders, Policy (Japan)
- Geographical perspective on the basis of 10 survey's checked on their global coverage with an additional view from the African continent, which is not very present in surveys
On the coverage, a draft paper by co-chair David O'Brien and Daniel Gregoire describes in more detail the findings on the 10 surveys. We kindly ask your feedback to this paper. You can download it below. Please direct your comments to
Next steps will include further work on the tool, analysis, and user perspective, coming up with recommendations. We will reach out to the Research Funders and Stakeholders on Open Research and Data Management Policies and Practices IG
Preparing for the 14th Plenary in Helsinki
Our session proposal has been accepted and will take place on Friday 25 October from 9.00-10.30.
Essentially, the session will revolve around 3 main topics of 30 minutes each
- Using the Suave tool to store surveys, and discussion on how to use them and benefit from each other – Ilya Zaslavsky will join us remotely
- Geographical distribution and African perspective – followed by discussion. Contributions from David O'Brien and Louise Bezuidenhout
- User perspective: policy and funder relevance – interaction with the audience to collect feedback. We anticipate external policy perspectives from Japan & Korea, and from the RDA-internal perspective.
The final agenda will follow shortly.
This IG started with a BoF session at the 10th RDA Plenary in Montreal in 2017. The minutes and powerpoint presentation of this session are available below.
The IG Charter was approved in August 2018 and can be found below as well.
At the 12th Plenary in Gaborone the IG hosted a succesful session, which was well attended.
Presentations and minutes of the Gaborone session are available below.
The people who have indicated there interest, have been notified by mail.
We are preparing a session for the 14th Plenary in Helsinki, focusing on providing access to open data surveys, and extending our user cases.