Webinar On Research Data Management For Renewable Materials And Products
30 Jan 2020 - 10:00 UTC
When: 30 January, 11:00 AM CET (10:00 AM UTC)
Dr. Ana Slavec obtained a PhD in statistics in 2016 from the University of Ljubljana where she has been employed as a research assistant at the Faculty of Social Sciences, first at the Centre for Social Informatics and later at the Social Science Data Archives. She is an alumnus of the RDA/CODATA Data Steward Summer school, a member of the European Open Science Cloud FAIR WG and the coordinator of the Open Science WG at the European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers (Eurodoc).
The webinar will introduce researchers to key concepts in research data management, present resources that can be used when preparing a research data management plan and outline present best practices of sharing data in a responsible way in line with FAIR principles. The webinar will be lead by dr. Ana Slavec, consulting statistician at the InnoRenew CoE and RDA Europe Ambassador for renewable materials and products.
When: 30 January, 11:00 AM CET (10:00 AM UTC)
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