Past Webinars

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26 Aug 2021 UTC

FAIR Island: Networked, Machine-Actionable DMPs for Open Science

26 Aug 2021 - 19:00 to 20:00 UTC

Imagine a dream scenario for Open Data advocates: A working field station that supports scientists with research data management practices that allow for their data to be used beyond the initial purpose of the project! Tetiaroa is such a place! Come join this webinar and hear about how the FAIR Island Project supports researchers and translates the broader FAIR principles into optimal data policies and technical infrastructure by leveraging RDA outputs including standards that support networked, machine-actionable Data Management Plans (DMPs), and Persistent Identifiers (PIDs). Leveraging the global research data management community’s work, FAIR Island provides a real-world example where data and knowledge collected on Tetiaroa will be curated and made openly available as quickly as possible.


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31 Aug 2021 UTC

Understanding and Engaging with RDA Groups

31 Aug 2021 - 07:30 to 08:00 UTC

For those members unfamiliar with RDA or for those that would like to learn a bit more detail about certain areas of the organisation, three brief information sessions will be held in the coming months leading up to VP18.  Mark your calendars and register to attend one (or all) if your schedule permits.

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16 Sep 2021 UTC

Navigating Data Sharing in International Research Collaborations

16 Sep 2021 - 14:00 to 15:00 UTC

This webinar will touch on several of the most challenging issues for data sharing in international research and present the framework that has been developed as an outcome of The International Network-of-Networks (iN2N)  project.  Researchers or data practitioners who are engaged in or supporting international research projects will find this webinar interesting. 


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23 Sep 2021 UTC

FAIR Principles for Research Software (FAIR4RS WG)

23 Sep 2021 - 17:00 to 18:00 UTC

The RDA FAIR for Research Software (FAIR4RS) WG recognized the importance of software as a scholarly output and the necessity to review and adapt the FAIR data guiding principles (Wilkinson et al.) to research software. This webinar will present the history of how the Working Group evolved, an overview of the recently published group output FAIR principles for Research Software, and the challenges and limitations identified when creating the principles for FAIR Research Software.


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28 Sep 2021 UTC

What to Expect when Attending an RDA Plenary 

28 Sep 2021 - 16:00 to 16:30 UTC

For those members unfamiliar with RDA or for those that would like to learn a bit more detail about certain areas of the organisation, three brief information sessions will be held in the coming months leading up to VP18.  Mark your calendars and register to attend one (or all) if your schedule permits.

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21 Oct 2021 UTC

How to get Attention for Research Project Outputs (Part 1)

21 Oct 2021 - 15:00 to 16:00 UTC

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If you work within the research community (principal investigator, professor, researcher, data scientist, manager, etc.), you know there is a huge amount of commitment and expertise required to move projects from inception to completion.  Multi-tasking, shifting priorities, and resource constraints are common, with the focus frequently being on meeting deadlines and moving on to the next project.  Capturing attention from colleagues all over the world, who have the power to act on these insights and effect change, is a whole other job – and can be as large as formulating the group’s position, to begin with. This webinar will offer strategies for getting outputs into the right hands and promoting engagement.

This webinar is designed for the Chairs and Members of the RDA Working and Interest Groups, but anyone interested in this topic is invited and welcome to attend.


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26 Oct 2021 UTC

Navigating All Things RDA - Website, Plenaries and more 

26 Oct 2021 - 16:00 to 16:30 UTC

For those members unfamiliar with RDA or for those that would like to learn a bit more detail about certain areas of the organisation, three brief information sessions will be held in the coming months leading up to VP18.  Mark your calendars and register to attend one (or all) if your schedule permits.

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28 Jul 2021 UTC

Decomposing Observable Property Descriptions into Machine-Readable Components

28 Jul 2021 - 15:00 to 16:00 UTC

The RDA I-Adopt Working Group presents the "Decomposing Observable Property Descriptions into Machine-Readable Components to Increase Interoperability Across Data Standards" webinar.  This webinar introduces using the Interoperable Descriptions of Observable Property Terminology (I-ADOPT) framework for representing components of observable properties, also called variables, in a machine-readable format to allow for easier mapping between dedicated terminologies.


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