How to get Attention for Research Project Outputs (Part 1)
21 Oct 2021 - 15:00 to 16:00 UTC
If you work within the research community (principal investigator, professor, researcher, data scientist, manager, etc.), you know there is a huge amount of commitment and expertise required to move projects from inception to completion. Multi-tasking, shifting priorities, and resource constraints are common, with the focus frequently being on meeting deadlines and moving on to the next project. Capturing attention from colleagues all over the world, who have the power to act on these insights and effect change, is a whole other job – and can be as large as formulating the group’s position, to begin with. This webinar will offer strategies for getting outputs into the right hands and promoting engagement.
This webinar is designed for the Chairs and Members of the RDA Working and Interest Groups, but anyone interested in this topic is invited and welcome to attend.
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