Past Webinars

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14 Sep 2022 UTC

Diseño e implementación de repositorios de datos de investigación - Ejemplos en América Latina

14 Sep 2022 - 15:00 UTC

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Colaborações em toda a América Latina Série de Webinars RDA: Projetando e Construindo Repositórios de Dados de Pesquisa - Exemplos na América Latina


Este evento é o segundo webinar da série de webinars Collaborations through Latin America RDA focada em dados de pesquisa aberta em países da América Latina. Este webinar apresentará exemplos bem-sucedidos de projeto e implementação de repositórios de dados de pesquisa em universidades de três países diferentes – Argentina, Brasil e Chile.

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22 Sep 2022 UTC

Introducing 10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research Webinar

22 Sep 2022 - 21:00 to 22:00 UTC

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English Audio --- French Audio --- Spanish Audio

RDA CURE-FAIR WG: Introducing 10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research Webinar

Curation for FAIR and reproducible research is the process of reviewing and enhancing a research compendium for long-term reuse.  Given the replication crisis and requirements of most journals that data and code be submitted upon acceptance or made available upon request as a condition for publication, it is imperative that researchers provide high-quality reproduction materials (i.e., data, code, documentation) that underlie their research.


This webinar presents "10 Things for Curating Reproducible and FAIR Research”, which are guidelines designed for curators and researchers interested in publishing and archiving reproducible research output. 

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05 May 2022 UTC

The Research Data Management in Engineering (RDMinEng) IG Webinar Series

05 May 2022 - 16:00 UTC to 01 Sep 2022 - 16:00 UTC

The Research Data Management in Engineering (RDMinEng) IG is hosting a webinar series with the RDA community to explore and exchange our engineering practice and experience in the area of knowledge and use of Electronic Lab Notebooks (ELN) and Laboratory Information Management Systems (LIMS).

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21 Apr 2022 UTC

Tools & Resources for Data Usage Metrics

21 Apr 2022 - 16:00 to 17:00 UTC

Since the founding of the RDA Data Usage Metrics Working Group, the community has focused on accessible ways to standardize and build open data metrics. Join to hear about the latest tools and resources from DataCite and Make Data Count to support repositories in data usage metrics and where the larger RDA community can go to support researchers in data research assessment metrics.


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30 Jun 2022 UTC

Professionalising Data Stewardship | Global updates to inform RDA community on future directions

30 Jun 2022 - 14:00 to 15:00 UTC

Watch the Webinar Recording:

English Audio --- French Audio --- Spanish Audio

Slide download here


This webinar will present initial outputs from the RDA’s Professionalising Data Stewardship Interest Group (PDS-IG) and discuss potential directions for future work.  Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions, suggest future areas of inquiry, and discuss ways to better connect the PDS-IG’s efforts with organisations and individuals within and outside of the Research Data Alliance. 


This webinar may be of interest to program officers and policy-makers interested in fostering data stewardship practices at a national and global scale, leaders managing or developing data stewardship programs, scholars of data stewardship, and research data stewards seeking resources. 

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12 Jul 2022 UTC

 Introducción a Research Data Alliance en América Latina

12 Jul 2022 - 15:00 to 16:00 UTC

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Diapositivas de presentación del seminario webDiapositivas de presentación del seminario web

Webinar Presentation Slides

Slides de apresentação do webinar



Tradução em Português

Traducción al español 

Translation to English



Introducción a Research Data Alliance: una comunidad global que encuentra soluciones a los desafíos mundiales de gestión de datos de investigación

Este evento es el primer seminario web de la serie de seminarios web RDA sobre Colaboraciones en América Latina centrado en los datos abiertos de investigación en los países de América Latina y su intersección con los avances en ciencia abierta en los Estados Unidos y Europa. Este seminario web en español será de consideración para aquellas personas en América Latina que trabajan o tienen interés en la gestión de datos de investigación. Las presentaciones incluirán una descripción general de Research Data Alliance, la región RDA en los Estados Unidos y el desarrollo y desarrollos en dos países latinoamericanos. 

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31 Mar 2022 UTC

How to get Attention for Research Project Outputs, PART 2

31 Mar 2022 - 16:00 to 17:00 UTC

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Watch the Recording in French

If you work within the research community (principal investigator, professor, researcher, data scientist, manager, etc.), you know there is a huge amount of commitment and expertise required to move projects from inception to completion.  Multi-tasking, shifting priorities, and resource constraints are common, with the focus frequently being on meeting deadlines and moving on to the next project.  Capturing attention from colleagues all over the world, who have the power to act on these insights and effect change, is a whole other job – and can be as large as formulating the group’s position, to begin with. This webinar will offer strategies for getting outputs into the right hands and promoting engagement.


This webinar is designed for the Chairs and Members of the RDA Working and Interest Groups, but anyone interested in this topic is invited and welcome to attend.  The recording of Part 1 of this series can be found here.  

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