
RDA members are RDA's greatest asset, and we greatly value their opinions, ideas and experiences. All RDA members are invited to contribute Blogs, telling the community about their experiences during events and meetings or in the context of their individual or organisational activity related to RDA.

Submitting a Blog is simple: just register or login as an RDA member and fill in the form accessible from the “Add new blog” button above.

NB: Blog posts are moderated and, if approved, will be posted within 3 business days.

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29 Sep 2023

The Silk Road to EOSC: Reflections from the RDA EU team

A week on from the EOSC Symposium, we look back at the event and highlight our key takeaways and thoughts from a lively and productive week, full of interesting talks and meeting friends old and new. 

The team was present at the Symposium with an exhibitor booth alongside other Horizon Europe projects and stakeholders, leveraging the multitude of networking opportunities on offer, while also supporting the organisation of the event behind the scenes, and chairing sessions.

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10 Aug 2023

RDA TIGER and Plenary 21 sessions

With the provisional programme from RDA’s 21st Plenary now available, we at the the RDA TIGER project thought it would be a good idea to give the community an update on the work done so far by the groups we are supporting, and how you can find out more at the TIGER-related presentations and sessions taking place at P21 as part of International Data Week.

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