RDA Physical Samples and Collections in the Research Data Ecosystem Interest Group 2020-2021
Contributions by Sarah Ramdeen, Lesley Wyborn, Kerstin Lehnert and Esther Plomp.
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RDA Physical Samples and Collections in the Research Data Ecosystem Interest Group 2020-2021
Contributions by Sarah Ramdeen, Lesley Wyborn, Kerstin Lehnert and Esther Plomp.
Developing a Needs Analysis for Open Scholarship in Linguistics and the Language Sciences
Developing a Needs Analysis for Open Scholarship in Linguistics and the Language Sciences
by Helene N. Andreassen, RDA Domain Ambassador for Linguistics
An Interview with Lina Sitz: applying FAIR principles in IPCC activities and the RDA Ambassadorship
In mid-August, I was contacted by Anna Rzhevkina from Science Business, who expressed interest in my experience applying FAIR principles within the context of the AR6 WGI IPCC activities. Within that framework, she also showed interest in my perspective on how colleagues in my field approach activities and key challenges related to open science. Given my recent role as an RDA/EOSC Future Ambassador, I pondered how communities such as RDA or EOSC could contribute to enhancing outcomes.
The RDA/EOSC Future team is launching a series of spotlights to showcase the grantees, their work and experience.