RDA members are RDA's greatest asset, and we greatly value their opinions, ideas and experiences. All RDA members are invited to contribute Blogs, telling the community about their experiences during events and meetings or in the context of their individual or organisational activity related to RDA.
BoF on Cloud Computing and Data Analysis Training for the Developing World
This BoF took place after the report session on the 3rd day of the 2nd RDA Plenary. But this didn’t make it less important.
The BoF was chaired by Hugh Shanahan (Royal Holloway, University of London, U.K.). Presentations were given by Kenji Takeda (Microsoft), Yuri Demchenko (Univ of Amsterdam), Andrew Harrison (Univ of Essex). Active comments and valuable contribution to the discussion were provided by Fabrizio Gagliardi, Nicola Mulder, Kay Raseroka, and others.
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Policies demystified: The RDA Practical Policies WG
We are happy to announce that at the end of August 2013, the RDA Practical Policies Working Group has been endorsed by the RDA Council. The main focuses of the group are to identify the most important policies used by data centers that manage research data collections and to provide the policies as a “starter kit”. At the RDA second plenary meeting in Washington DC the group discussed the policies that have been submitted and the next steps in creating generic versions of the policies.
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