Stephan Hachinger

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Dr Stephan Hachinger

Member since: 06/06/2018 - 10:59
Professional title: 
IT Specialist/IT Architect
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
HPC/Simulations, Research Data Management
Organization name: 
Organization type: 
Garching b. M.

Short Bio

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Dr. Stephan Hachinger leads the Research Data Management (RDM) Team at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ of BAdW - Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities). He holds a Ph.D. degree in astrophysics (2011, MPA / TU Munich), where he worked on radiative-transfer simulations and supernova data. In 2014, he joined LRZ to participate in IT-Infrastructure projects for science, with a first focus on the RDM and simulation platform AlpEnDAC ("Alpine Environmental Data Analysis Centre", and on contributions to FP7/H2020 EU projects. Within the LEXIS project ("Large Scale Execution for Industry & Society", H2020 GA #825532,, he has been responsible for the "Distributed Data Infrastructure". As a central component of the LEXIS Platform, this "DDI" enables European Distributed Data Management within fully-automated workflows, based on EUDAT components. With this work, and also in general, S. Hachinger merges supercomputing and automation aspects with a strong focus on FAIR RDM and appropriate metadata. With his team, he participates in the German National Research Data Infrastructure framework (NFDI) and constructs a Research Data Management solution for LRZ HPC systems.

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