Dr Zhiming Zhao Chair
Member since: 06/11/2013 - 13:29Short Bio
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I am an assistant professor and senior researcher at the University of Amsterdam (UvA). I lead a team on “Quality Critical Distributed Systems” in the context of the System and Networking Lab (SNE). My research focuses on novel programming and control models for quality critical systems on programmable infrastructures such as Clouds, Edges, and Software Defined Networking using optimization, semantic linking, blockchain and artificial intelligence technologies. I am specifically interested in infrastructure optimization for big data management, data-intensive applications, and trustworthy service level agreement. Since 2014, I obtained more than 3M euro funding from the EU H2020 research program to support my research activities in UvA. I am the scientific coordinator of the project SWITCH (Software Workbench for interactive time critical and highly self-adaptive cloud applications). I am the leader of the Data for Science theme in the environmental science cluster project ENVRIPLUS and lead the technical development work package in its follow up project ENVRI-FAIR. I also lead the UvA effort in ARTICONF, CLARIFY and BLUECLOUD, and VRE4EIC projects.