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OpenMinTeD tender call

by Sophie Aubin

Dear all, We are happy to announce the OpenMinTeD call for TDM software and knowledge resources. Researchers, innovators, SMEs and service providers are asked to submit a proposal to develop and integrate their software or knowledge resource into the OpenMinTeD infrastructure. The winners of the call will be awarded € 7.000 (small bids) or € 17.500 (larger bids) to implement their plans. The deadline for proposals is 14 January 2018. More information is available on OpenMinTeD website:
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Agrisemantics Call Reminder, Fri 8 Dec, 9am CET

by Panagiotis Zervas

Dear WG members, As a reminder, our next group call will be on Friday, 8th of December, 9am CET. Please find below the agenda and details to connect. Looking forward to talking to you all! Panagiotis for the chairs Agenda: Zoom URL: Agroknow Panagiotis Zervas, Ph.D. Director of Project Management Email: ***@***.*** Tel.: +30 210 6897 905
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IGAD/RDA pre-conference meeting that will be held on March 19-20, 2018 in Berlin, Germany

by Imma Subirats Coll

Dear all, I am pleased to invite you to the IGAD pre-conference meeting that will be held on March 19-20, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. The event will take place before the 11th RDA Plenary Meeting, March 21-23, 2018.
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call for use cases - what are your needs when working with semantic resources?

by Caterina Caracciolo

Dear all, We are collecting input on use cases on the use of semantic resources for agricultural data - be those controlled vocabularies, metadata schemas or ontologies. We are interested in knowing what problems and limitations people face when dealing with them. To this end, we have set up a short survey, 6 questions, that you can find as an online document:
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Agrisemantics call tomorrow, Thu16, 5pm CET

by Caterina Caracciolo

Dear all, As a reminder, our next group call will be tomorrow, Thursday the 16th, 5pm CET. Below, draft agenda and details to connect. Looking forward to talking to you all! Caterina for the chairs Draft agenda: Zoom link and info below. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: Or iPhone one-tap : US: +16699006833,,775606469# or +16468769923,,775606469# Or Telephone:
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by Imma Subirats Coll

Dear all, IGAD has been invited to report about the last developments at the OGC Agriculture DWG meeting in December. On behalf of IGAD, Patricia, co-chair, will participate with a presentation (30min) remotely. Could we kindly ask to all the WG chairs to submit a couple of slides with a summary of the last developments of your WGs during the next weeks? In case that any of you would like to have a more proactive participation, please let us know. Thanks, Imma Subirats On behalf of IGAD/RDA chairs
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A Brazilian invitation...

by Ivo Pierozzi Junior

Dear all, Some Brazilian colleagues and I intend to start a R&D network, according to the attached documentation. The first step in this itinerary is to bring together other worldwide interested researchers and to explore ways of financing such an initiative. Then, I am sending you an invitation and complementary information to all the colleagues of Agrisemantics WG but, specifically at this moment, to the European ones, aiming answer as soon as possible to the INCOBRA call (see links on annexed documentation).
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Re: [rda-agrdatainterop-ig][rda-wdinterop-wg][rda-agrisemantics-wg] A new article in F1000Research

by Elizabeth Arnaud

Dear All, The paper got a comment from Mark Wilkinson on Quality Check on the use of recommended standards for the Wheat community that would be nice to address or to reply to. He also informs us about the coming publishing of a set of Metrics for testing the FAIRness of data and an automated testing tool that will soon follow. Kind regards Elizabeth From: <***@***.***> on behalf of edzale <***@***.***> Date: mardi 17 octobre 2017 16:11
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group calls - next call Thu Nov 16, 5pm CEST

by Caterina Caracciolo

Dear all, As agreed during our last call, we are going back to our 2-group calls a month, on a rotating schedule. Next call then will be on Thursday Nov 16th, 5pm CEST. Save the date! A draft agenda for next call is in the "Call minutes" document, together with notes of the previous one. See: One week before the call we will send out a reminder, together with the URL to connect to the call. Looking forward to talking to you all! Best Caterina for the chairs
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Re: [rda-agrdatainterop-ig][rda-wdinterop-wg][rda-agrisemantics-wg] A new article in F1000Research

by Vassilis Protonotarios

Dear Esther, all, I would like to thank you for this great collaborative work; it has been a pleasure working on the document and collaborating with so many of you. I am sure that the publication will have impact on related future work, thanks to the adaptability of the approach described in different contexts/fields/crops. I would be more than happy to contribute to any similar effort in the future. Kind regards, Vassilis
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