Panagiotis Zervas

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Dr Panagiotis Zervas

Member since: 05/12/2016 - 12:38
Professional title: 
CEO/Managing Director/Chief Executive
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
ICT for Agriculture and Food Systems
Organization name: 
Organization type: 
Small and Medium Enterprise

Short Bio

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Panagiotis Zervas is business partner and Chief Operations Officer (COO) of SCiO, a deep-tech company that provides innovative, world-leading, bespoke AI-enabled services for the disruption of the agri-food value chain. He is an Electronics & Computer Engineer that holds an MSc degree on computational science, as well as a PhD on Digital Systems. With more than 15 years of expertise in the coordination and implementation of R&D projects funded by the European Commission, he is frequently working with industry, research and international organizations on managing and delivering, within tight time, budget and quality constraints, ambitious and challenging projects that deal with the digital transformation of the agri-food sector. He has also successfully managed the successful organization of several events such as international conferences, workshops and industrial events. Panagiotis joined SCiO in August 2019 and with his capacity as COO, he supports the growth of SCiO by (a) managing the relationships with strategic partners, (b) upgrading and establishing processes across the company for maximizing efficiency and reliability and (c) evaluating the performance of teams and processes by analyzing data and metrics. In his early career, Panagiotis was pursuing a research career, serving in research and teaching positions for organizations like the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, and the University of Piraeus. His work has resulted into more than 100 publications in scientific books, journals and conferences with more than 1100 known citations (h-index: 18), as listed in Google Scholar. He has received 5 times Best Research Paper Awards for his research in International Conferences (July 2014, July 2011, November 2010, July 2009 and July 2007). He has also served as co-chair of the Working Group on Agrisemantics of the Research Data Alliance (RDA)

06/09/2017 - 14:07 Working group online meeting
07/12/2016 - 15:20 1st group call

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