Agricultural Sciences

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04 Oct 2023

RDA-OfR Creating a Multi-omics Metadata Schema Standard Reporting Matrix WG

Recognised & Endorsed

RDA-OfR Creating a Multi-omics Metadata Schema Standard Reporting Matrix WG

Note: The WG is actively seeking co-chairs and members from different countries and continents who cover various Omics domains, including expertise in mass spectrometry and sequencing. A dedicated communications campaign via the RDA’s communications and social media channels will take place to recruit co-chairs and members from geographically diverse regions.


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20 Apr 2023

FAIR Instrument Data IG

Pending submission
Chair (s): 

The FAIR Instrument Data Interest Group was conceived during a joint session at RDA P20.  We are working on the charter now.  If you want to be part of the forming group, join the mailing list!! 

We are also actively looking for co-chairs.  Please share your interest!!

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31 Oct 2022

Working with PIDs in Tools IG

Recognised & Endorsed

Lack of interoperability between tools/e-infrastructures presents a significant barrier to streamlining processes throughout the research lifecycle. These gaps prevent the comprehensive collection and incorporation of research data and metadata into the research record captured during the active research phase. Furthermore, it limits the scope for passing this data and metadata on to data repositories, thus undermining FAIR data principles and reproducibility.

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