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08 Mar 2023

RDA/EOSC Future Domain Ambassador Spotlight: Lina Sitz, Earth System Physics/Data management

The RDA/EOSC Future team is launching a series of spotlights to showcase the grantees, their work and experience, and highlight the benefits of being an RDA Domain Ambassador. 

Find out more about the RDA/EOSC Future grants.

This week we spoke to Lina Sitz, Domain Ambassador for Earth System Physics/Data management

See also:

⇨ Lina's RDA profile

⇨ Lina's Domain Ambassador page

⇨ Lina's page on the EOSC Future grants platform

Can you describe your achievements during your time as RDA/EOSC Future Domain Ambassador? 

I started this exciting experience just a few months ago. My colleagues and I have prepared presentations on "The reality of implementing FAIR principles in the IPCC context to support open science and provide a citable platform to acknowledge the work of authors", which will be included in the following events:

I have participated in an interview on the experience of being an ambassador conducted by Beth Knazook. I wrote a script for a 10-minute video to share my experience of implementing FAIR practices in the context of IPCC. The video will be published on various platforms to inspire colleagues in my field, demonstrating that even in complex contexts, with a large group of scientists from all over the world and a wide variety of data types, FAIR principles can be applied successfully and produce positive results*. 

What challenges did you face, if any? 

I believe the biggest challenge is finding effective and simple ways to communicate all the tools available to perform our research tasks FAIRly and help alleviate the stress that my colleagues sometimes feel when they realize there is a whole universe of potentially helpful resources that could simplify certain tasks, without taking away too much from their daily work time.

How has being an RDA Ambassador contributed to your professional development?

Being an RDA Ambassador helps me highlight all the activities I have been carrying out in the field of Open Science and FAIR sharing. In addition, it broadens my vision of how these techniques are applied in different contexts and allows me to connect with other people who share my vision of science and are working in other fields different from mine.

Are there any lessons learnt that you could share with the community? 

The best way to work is in collaboration with other people. Other people's perspectives enrich and produce more interesting and faster results. There are many tools that we need which already exist, and it is possible to rely on them and other people to generate simple solutions.

What do you want to get out of the RDA 20th Plenary Meeting?

I would like to establish new contacts,and exchange ideas with people who work with data in different aspects and with different objectives, in order to find solutions that may be useful for the community. I would also like to learn about different contexts and building new bridges.

You can contact Lina Sitz by completing this form

Related events: 

⇨ RDA and EOSC Future are pleased to collaborate on a half-day satellite event in conjunction with the RDA 20th Plenary Meeting

*This page will be updated to include a link to the video once it becomes available. 

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