Johannes Reetz

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Dr Johannes Reetz

Member since: 06/18/2013 - 11:17
Professional title: 
Programme Manager/Project Manager
Primary Domain/Field of Expertise (Other): 
Data and HPC infrastructures, hires Spectroscopy, Physics (Astrophysics, Plasmaphysics)
Other (professional title): 
Project Developer
Organization name: 
Max Planck Computing and Data Facility
Organization type: 
Garching near Munich

Short Bio

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Johannes Reetz received a PhD in natural sciences from the University of Munich (LMU) in 1999. He worked at the LMU observatory (data reduction and analysis software for astrophysical high res spectroscopy), the ESO Data Management Division (data aquisition/reduction/calibration), and since 2000 at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, initially developing software for the data acquisition and storage for nuclear fusion experiments. Since 2004, he was engaged in the European HPC project DEISA, in German national e-infrastructure projects, and since 2011 in EUDAT and RDA Europe. Johannes is acting as EUDAT operations coordinator. In context of the EOSC-hub project, he acts as one of the two Activity Management Board chairs.

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