Sebastian Lange

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Mr Sebastian Lange

Member since: 08/13/2020 - 15:18
Professional title: 
Organization name: 
University of Edinburgh
Organization type: 
United Kingdom

Short Bio

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My life has always revolved around science and communication. Starting with marketing and communication at one of Germany's largest state broadcasting corporations and the ARD, through the Mainz Center for Digitization to the Academy of Sciences and Literature Mainz. There I was involved in the design and development of the Current Research Information System AGATE from the very beginning. AGATE has the goal to connect and present the research of all European academies of science. During this time I discovered my passion for web and software development and the possibility to take science and science communication to a new level by developing and using digital tools. In the field of web and software development, my strengths and interests merge with science and communication. I love to develop open-source software for the humanities and to be able to give something back to researchers and the general public.

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