Dr Jens Klump Chair
Member since: 10/17/2013 - 07:57Short Bio
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Jens Klump leads the Geoscience Analytics Team in CSIRO and is based in Perth WA. Jens' field of research is the application of information technology to earth science questions. His research topics include data-driven science and machine learning, virtual research environments, remotely operated instruments, programmatic access to data, high performance and cloud computing, and the development of system solutions for large geoscience projects. Jens has degrees in geology and in oceanography from the University of Cape Town (UCT) and received his PhD in marine geology from the University of Bremen, Germany. He was part of the team that developed the foundations for what later became DataCite and later applied the principles developed here to building the International Geo Sample Number (IGSN), a persistent identifier system for physical specimens. Jens has more than sixteen years of experience in designing and building research data infrastructures and has served on several committees working on related topics. Jens is the president of the IGSN Organisation IGSN e.V., https://www.igsn.org) and president of the EGU Earth and Space Sciences Division.