Jitka Stilund Hansen

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Dr Jitka Stilund Hansen

Member since: 06/14/2019 - 08:15
Professional title: 
Other (professional title): 
Senior Research Data Management Officer
Organization name: 
Technical University of Denmark
Organization type: 
Kgs. Lyngby

Short Bio

Last comments


I am working with research data management, developing projects, tools and services at the Library of the Technical University of Denmark. I am a biologist, and have performed research in toxicology and occupational and public health. I have a profound interest in improving the quality of research. This has moved me from developing relevant in vivo and in vitro models of human exposure and disease to my current engagement in research data management and implementing the FAIR principles in my organisation. I have been part of the Liber Citizen Science WG. I am now active in the Nordic5Tech Open Science Task Force and the Danish National RDM Network.

04/04/2020 - 11:00 Hi Patricia,

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