status: Withdrawn

Chair (s): Brandon Costelloe-Kuehn, Dominic Difranzo, Jarita Holbrook, Lindsay Poirier, Mike Fortun, Aalok Khandekar

Group Email: [group_email]

Secretariat Liaison: [field_secretariat_liaison]



Withdrawal RDA Empirical Humanities Metadata WG

by Secretariat Group Account

Following previous communications with Secretariat and the WG co-chairs, this group has now been closed due to inactivity and, as a result, no submission of a Recommendation. We invite you to share with the RDA community any ongoing activities of the co-chairs and/or group members - this information can be added to your group page.
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RDA for Social Sciences & Humanities - RDA EU Ambassadors webinar 25 June at 15:30 CEST

by Timea Biro

Dear all, We would like to invite you to join us for an RDA Europe Ambassadors for Social Sciences & Humanities webinar on the 25 June 2020 at 15:30 CEST. Ricarda Braukmann and Rene van Horik, RDA Europe Ambassadors for the Social Sciences and Humanities, will discuss the value of the Research Data Alliance for the SSH and how to best navigate the opportunities offered by this global data community.
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RDA Plenary 15 Announcements - Registration and Calls for Co-located Events and Posters Now Open

by Jamie Lupo-Petta

RDA is excited to announce several important pieces of information related to RDA Plenary 15: Data for Real-World Impact, which will be held from 18-20 March 2020 in Melbourne, Australia at the Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre, MCEC (
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Deadline For P15 Group Session Submissions Extended To 5 December 2019

by Alexandra Delipalta

Dear RDA members,    RDA's 15th Plenary meeting, Melbourne, Australia, 18-20 March 2020    The deadline to submit session proposals for Plenary 15 in Melbourne, Australia has been extended to 5 December 2019, midnight UTC. Group session application form Joint meeting application form
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Deadline for P15 Group Session Submissions Fast Approaching

by Alexandra Delipalta

Dear Group Members,  The deadline for group session submissions for Plenary 15 is 28 November 2019, midnight UTC – just two weeks away. If your group is interested in submitting a session for a working group, interest group or joint meeting session, submissions will only be accepted from your group chairs, so be sure to coordinate with them to ensure proper communication of the submission.    If you are a chair and submitting for a joint meeting session, all chairs involved in that joint session must be notified of the submission. 
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CODATA Data Science Journal Call For Papers: Research Data Alliance Results Special Collection

by Gina Pavone

Dear members, I’m writing on behalf of the editorial board of the CODATA Data Science Journal. I would like to recall the possibility to submit the outputs produced by this group for the special collection of CODATA DSJ on RDA Results. Publication fees will be covered by the EC project "RDA Europe 4.0".  
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Plenary 14 Session Submission deadline is tomorrow!

by Sara Pittonet Gaiarin

Dear members of the Empirical Humanities Metadata Working Group, With RDA Plenary 14 scheduled to occur from October 23-25, the deadline for session submission is this Thursday, 27 June at 16:00 UTC. Submissions for meeting sessions are open to working groups, interest groups, joint groups and birds of feather (BoF) meetings. Please note, however, submissions are accepted from group chairs only. If you submit a session request for a group, please notify the other chairs of that group.
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