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RDA Virtual Plenary 17 - Notification of Acceptance

by Secretariat Group Account

Dear Chairs of the RDA-WDS Certification of Digital Repositories IG Congratulations! Your RDA Virtual Plenary 17 (VP17) session application titled From principles to metrics to evaluation, increasing TRUST in data repositories has been approved by the Technical Advisory Board (TAB). Please consider this your official notification of acceptance.
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RDA VP17 Session proposal submission

by Alexandra Delipalta

Dear RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories IG members,    Thank you for your session proposal for Virtual Plenary 17 titled ‘From principles to metrics to evaluation, increasing TRUST in data repositories’. A review of all submitted proposals is now underway by the RDA Technical Advisory Board, with notifications of acceptance planned to be sent by 26 February.   
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New Survey Seeks Input on Metrics for Biomedical Data Resources

by Rorie Edmunds

Dear Certification IG Members, We hope that this email finds you safe and well. The below survey was co-developed by IG Co-chair, Dawei Lin, and may be of interest to some of you. Best wishes, Rorie (On behalf of IG Chairs: Garry Baker, Rorie Edmunds, Dawei Lin, and Jon Petters) =================
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Notes and Presentations from Breakout at VP16 Now Online

by Rorie Edmunds

Dear Certification IG Members, Thank you very much to everyone who joined the Certification IG's breakout session at the recent RDA VP16. We apologize for the delay, but we are very pleased to inform you that we have now been able to upload the notes, the slides, and all pre-recorded video presentations to the File Repository on the Certification IG page on the RDA website: We understand that the recording of the live session will be made openly available shortly by the RDA Secretariat.
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"Data Repository Selection: Criteria that Matter" latest work by the RDA/Force11 FAIRsharing WG

by Susanna-Assunta Sansone

Dear RDA WGs members, here the latest activity of a group of major publishers and scholarly communication organizations, part of the RDA/Force11 FAIRsharing WG: *"Data Repository Selection: Criteria that Matter"*: **. Below are the key objectives of this work. Where appropriate, criteria have also been mapped to the relevant TRUST principles and the CTS requirements. Peter McQuilton will present this work at the at the *Research Funders
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Reminder: Certification IG Breakout at RDA VP16

by Rorie Edmunds

Dear Certification IG Members, A quick reminder that our session at RDA VP16 takes place as part of Breakout 4, 12:00–01:30 UTC on 11 November. Since this timing is a bit awkward—it is today/tomorrow depending on where you are in the world—please be sure to check your local time here: Apologies to colleagues in Europe that this is very late for you. The breakout is titled, 'Towards Building a Trustworthy Repository Ecosystem', and an updated agenda has been added to our...
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RDA Virtual Plenary 16 (VP16) - Deadline for poster submissions, registration and programme

by Alexandra Delipalta

Dear RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories IG members,  With RDA VP16 fast approaching, we would like to bring the following news and key dates to your attention: Call for posters
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Recording and Slides Available: Update on Specialists, Generalists, and Technical Repository Service Providers Position Paper

by Rorie Edmunds

Dear Certification IG Members, My sincere apologies for the delay in notifying you about this. We are pleased to announce that the slides and the recording of the recent CoreTrustSeal webinar 'Update on Specialists, Generalists, and Technical Repository Service Providers Position Paper' have been uploaded to the file repository on the RDA/WDS Certification IG webpage. They can be accessed here: Webinar: Update on Specialists, Generalists, and Technical Repository Service Providers Position Paper
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Webinar: Update on Specialists, Generalists, and Technical Repository Service Providers Position Paper

by Rorie Edmunds

Dear Certification IG Members, On behalf of my fellow IG Co-chairs, I would like to invite you to join us for a special webinar at 13:00 UTC on Wednesday, 7 October. Please pre-register for this webinar by sending your name and email address to
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Session Proposal Submission

by Alexandra Delipalta

Dear RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories IG members,  
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