RDA Virtual Plenary 16 (VP16) - Deadline for poster submissions, registration and programme

23 Oct 2020

Dear RDA/WDS Certification of Digital Repositories IG members, 

With RDA VP16 fast approaching, we would like to bring the following news and key dates to your attention:

Call for posters

The deadline for submitting your poster is almost here! To participate in the VP16 poster session, please submit an abstract no later than 25 October 2020.  Notifications of acceptance will be sent out the following week. Instructions will also be provided on how to access the platform and upload the poster and related documents. Submit your abstract at https://www.rd-alliance.org/vp16-call-posters.

*NOTE: We no longer require the poster to be included at the time of submission.*


Registration for VP16 is now open! Information on rates and details on how to register for the plenary can be found at https://www.rd-alliance.org/rda-16th-plenary-meeting-registration.   


Find out more about the Plenary and Group sessions, networking activities and virtual poster session at https://www.rd-alliance.org/rdas-16th-plenary-meeting-programme.

We look forward to seeing you at VP16!


Alex Delipalta

On behalf of the RDA Secretariat